Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Getting Rid of Acne Scars - Important Facts That You Must Understand

After getting painful and unsightly pimples in your skin, the next thing that you have to worry about is the scarring. There are skin types that are more prone to scars. People with oily skin are the ones who usually get deep or dark scars which can be hard to get rid of.
There are several types of scarring. The first one is called the ice pick scars. Like the name suggests, these scars are small, like the pricking of an ice pick. The scars can be shallow or deep. You can usually find ice pick scars on the cheeks. The second type is boxcar scars, which look a lot like the scars that you can find after someone had chicken pox. The third one is called rolling scars, which is the result of the damaging of the tissue under the skin.
The type of treatment that you will get will depend on the type of acne scar that you have. Always remember that every scar treatment has its own set of pros and cons, and if one treatment worked well for one person, it does not mean that it can work wonders for you too. There are some who ended up having worse scar problems because they went for the wrong type of treatment.
To make sure that you get the right type of scar treatment, you have to consult a reputable dermatologist. He will know how to remove your scars by determining the type of skin that you have.

And now I would like to offer you more free acne information, tips and resources when you come to my website. You can get your instant access at From Zacky Lim - The passionate and helpful friend who provide valuable acne information at

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