Sunday, May 19, 2013

Acne Scarring Treatment Methods

Acne scarring is an unfortunate reality for many people who have had acne for a while and have finally been able to get rid of it, but found out that some nasty, permanent scars are left in place of the acne!

This is quite an unfortunate occurrence, and can be caused by a number of things, such as picking at acne scabs consistently or having a severe outbreak of acne that went horribly wrong, or just due to prolonged acne suffering. Fortunately however, treatment methods do exist to alleviate acne scarring and make the skin smooth like it was before.

The two most common forms of acne scarring treatment are Laser and Light therapy. It's hard to say which of the two treatment options are better, as both have their advantages and disadvantages, however the treatment methods they contain can be boiled down to the following -

Blue Light Therapy

Blue light therapy is perhaps a more advanced form of light therapy and works great in alleviating acne scarring. The skin is exposed to a blue light and destroys the bacteria that build up to form acne. The procedure doesn't really hurt, and only leaves a little temporary redness.

Pulsed Light and Heat Energy

Pulsed light and heat energy is used together to actually destroy the oil glands of the skin. This may sound unusual, but the oil glands are often what causes acne in the first place. By destroying them, less acne is produced, and thus the acne is removed. This is also effective for treating acne with the least amount of scarring.

Diode Laser Treatment

Diode laster treatment involves sending a laser directly into the middle layer of the skin, avoiding the outer layers, and destroying the source of the acne beneath the surface. This is another form of effective acne treatment.

Laser and light therapy is often the best of the acne scarring treatment methods available, and can be used to burn away the front layer of skin, allowing new and fresh skin to regrow in order to replace the scarring. Since scarring is usually not very deep with acne, the chances of new skin growing and replacing the old skin is quite high.

So deciding upon what type of acne scarring treatment you want to conduct doesn't have to be as difficult as it sounds. Simply find a clinic that you live near that conducts the form of treatment you desire and book an appointment. You'll be well on your way to getting rid of that nasty acne scarring that resulted from your prolonged exposure to acne.

John Hubert is a researcher of acne treatment and maintains a site on Acne Scarring Treatment [] He also runs the Central Skin Care Tips portal.

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