Monday, March 18, 2013

Tips For Effective Acne Scar Repair

Acne scars affect many more people than thought previously. For the most part people can have a mild case of acne and any scarring is not visible. On the other hand, there are individuals with severe scars and are very unsightly. The best method for acne scar repair is immediate treatment as if left untreated even milder conditions will develop scars. Early treatment for this condition will lower that risk.

For those that have damage affecting the lower layers of skin from being neglected for years there is a much more effective and powerful technique to naturally remove the scars which you can discover at the end of this article.

But before knowing how to treat them it is good to know the different types of acne scars:

Ice pick scarring.

This kind of scar makes deep pits in the skin tissue, typically on the cheek. They are mostly small, with what you could classify as a rough edge and steeper sides, like a cut from an ice pick, which is where the name comes from. Ice pick scars can be hard or soft, and with softer types acne scar repair can be accomplished by stretching the skin out. The harder scars cannot be stretched. Ice pick scars are the most typical kind of acne scar.

Depressed fibrotic scars.

This type of scar is usually very big, and their base is firm to the touch. Ice pick scars can develop into depressed fibrotic scars after a period of time.

Soft scarring

Obviously this type is soft. They basically merge with unaffected skin. They are typically smaller, and can be circular or linear in shape.

Atrophic macules.

This scarring is smaller when it shows up on your face, but can be a centimeter or bigger on different parts of the body. It is soft with a wrinkled base, and can be blue in appearance since blood vessels are lying under the scar tissue. As time passes, these scars go from blue to almost pure white in color with lighter skinned people, and are much less visible.

Follicular macular atrophy.

This scar usually appears on the chest or back area. They are smaller, white, softer lesions, and most of the time barely up above the surface of the skin, almost like a whitehead that never developed completely. This scarring is sometimes labeled as "perifollicular elastolysis," and the lesions can exist for many months or even years.

Discovering how to find a good acne scar repair method for cleaning up scars can be a costly procedure and especially so if you opt for laser type surgery. There is a treatment developed by a licensed nutritionist and former acne sufferer himself that is extremely effective. Check the link below to find out more about it.

Looking for some help with your acne scars? Subscribe to our FREE natural acne treatments [] e-course to learn about treatments the doctor will not tell you, and and start feeling better about your complexion today! This has helped thousands improve their skin already.

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