Tuesday, March 19, 2013

The No1 Acne Skin Care Tip - Don't Pop Those Zits Or You'll Scar!

It's understandable that having acne can have severe detrimental effects on self-esteem and confidence and it's only natural to want to get rid acne pimples fast and in any way you can. But my no.1 acne skin care tip for you today is to urge you to stop squeezing and find a proper acne treatment.

You might get rid of your spot or blemish but you'll be left with a scar or even worse some sort of skin infection. Yes scars can fade in time, but they never disappear for good.

It's true that popping zits leads to a scar. I know that I've been fortunate not to have any spots but I did have chicken pox when I was younger and I popped one or two of those spots and I still have the scars to prove it!

The good news is that you can get rid of acne scars by rejuvenating your skin layers (keep replacing the top scarred layers with new skin cells). But for now we'll look at how to treat acne so you don't get any scars in the first place.

Remove Acne By Following Some Rules!

Acne Skin Care Tip #1

Daily Cleanse: Always clean your face with a daily cleanser at least twice per day. Make sure you buy a cleanser that is aright to use with acne prone skin and use a cotton wool pad to wipe away the dirt and debris from your face.

Keep lightly rubbing your skin until the cotton wool pad doesn't show up any dirt and stays clean.

Acne Skin Care Tip #2

Get yourself a good acne cream which combines as a moisturiser. You need a dual-process where you are fighting your acne but also hydrating your skin at the same time.

Some acne creams don't act as a moisturiser and if you own one of them now then I suggest you still get yourself a good moisturiser, preferably for sensitive skin which has no alcohol or additives in it.

Acne Skin Care Tip #3

If you have acne with 'normal skin' then you can apply a treatment of Benzoyl Peroxide as this widely known to cure acne and many doctors prescribe this acne solution.

However a word of warning! DON'T use Benzoyl Peroxide if you have acne and sensitive skin. This treatment is too harsh for sensitive skin and will likely irritate your acne further causing more inflammation.

So are you going to keep popping those acne zits or are you going to carry out a correct acne skin care procedure to get rid of your acne and any scars?

Do you want to learn more about acne skin care, acne with sensitive skin and acne scarring?

Click here to get free tips on effective www.face-skincare-tips.com/acne-sensitive-skin-treatment.html Acne Sensitive Skin Treatment and solutions.

Claire Bullerwell is currently studying to become an Anti-Aging and Skin Care Therapist, visit her site at www.face-skincare-tips.com www.face-skincare-tips.com

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