Monday, January 14, 2013

Understanding Acne Scar Removal Treatment Options

Once thought of as a common problem of teenagers, acne is actually a common problem for people of all ages including young children and adults. And far from being just accepted as a passing phase of growing up, acne should be given due attention in seeking treatment to avoid subsequent acne scars as an unfortunate result of not seeking early treatment.

Although various forms of acne scar removal treatment are available, some scars may be too deep seated to be successfully removed which may affect self confidence adversely, leading to other psychological problems in life.

Acne is a disorder caused by hormonal action on sebaceous glands which are the oil glands of the skin. Even more distressing are the scars left behind by acne which are often permanent, affecting both the personal and professional life of those who suffer from it.

This often leads to a desperate search to get rid of acne scars of which fortunately, a variety of treatments are available today. However care has to be taken in choosing which treatment to undergo as a person's medical history, acne scar condition and even budget are among the factors which have to be taken into consideration.

If scars are not too severe and you would like to give natural remedies a try before seeking stronger acne scar treatments, there are many home remedies that are believed to be effective in getting rid of acne scars. Ingredients from fruits and vegetables are often found in skin care products and home remedies are used to achieve similar effects.

Among the recommended natural ingredients to use are lemon juice, tomatoes, cucumbers and even a mixture of sandalwood and rose water. Natural oils such as lavender, tea tree and rosehip seed oils are also beneficial for healing acne scars.

For faint scars, acne scar creams and lotions may be sufficient. These products contain skin lightening agents to help lighten acne scars to give the impression of a smooth even skin surface. Some contain skin renewal activators and biological enzymes that gently dissolve damaged or worn out cells and stimulate skin regeneration.

The next level of acne scar treatment is using chemical peels. There are several types of chemical peels with varying strengths. Superficial scars can be effectively treated with chemical peels that are commonly used to treat skin damaged by the sun and for irregular pigmentation. A special chemical is applied to the acne scar area and after several minutes, the peel is removed together with the damaged top layer of skin. Thus, a new top layer of skin cells is regenerated.

Some of the more intensive and expensive acne scar removal treatments include dermabrasion, laser treatment, collagen and steriod injections, and surgical procedures like autologous fat transfer and punch grafts. These often require multiple treatments and long maintenance procedures.

To avoid having to seek acne scar removal treatment, where the process is either expensive or tedious but very often both, consult your dermatologist at an early stage before the acne has a chance to cause deep-seated damage to skin. Corrected blemished skin will never be able to match the smoothness and appearance of natural, healthy skin.

Get more information on how to get rid of acne scars and find out what is the best acne scar removal treatment for you.


  1. I suddenly started breaking out really bad over the summer, last year my skin was pretty good and I only got an occasional pimple. What are the best skin care brands/lines for treating acne? What about prescription acne treatments? howto getrid of bodyacne

  2. I need a hormonal acne treatment..I'm 19 and I have recently discovered that my acne is entirely hormonal and so it has been a pain to try and resolve.What is the best treatment for hormonal acne that you used or heard from someone else and worked? homemade skin treatment
