Sunday, January 13, 2013

Acne Free Treatment - Get Rid of Acne Fast and Enjoy a Happy Lifestyle

You wake up in the morning, you look in the mirror only to see not one but several pimples staring right back at you. And the war is on, the battle to eliminate all these ugly blackheads, whiteheads and huge pimples. If only you know what to do, where to turn to. If only you know the correct Acne Free Treatment then the fight for a clearer skin would be won in the blink of an eye.

Before we get our weapons to battle against the enemy 'acne' we need to know its history, what causes it, what it is exactly, so we can find the right acne free treatment and then we can go straight ahead and plunge it in its heart.

So What Exactly Is Acne?

The dictionary defines acne as "An inflammatory skin disease that effects the tiny pores that covers the face, arms, back and chest as well as the oil glands attached to them." but lets get into more detail so we can really understand these terrible skin disease.

You see, many people think that acne is caused by dirt or eating foods such as ice-cream or chocolate, however acne is actually caused by overactive sebaceous glands. These are glands in the body that produces sebum. The main purpose of the sebum is to make the skin and hair waterproof and to protect them from drying out. now when we have an excess of sebum, this can make the skin or hair oily and thus traps bacteria and clog the pores. The body's defense system will send out an army of white blood cells the to combat the bacteria. The overall process takes a few days and the final result is an acne pimple.

Now We Know What acne is, so how to we combat acne?

The Best Acne Free Treatments

1 One of the most dismissed treatments for acne is water. Something so easy as drinking enough water a day is very effective in getting rid of acne. This is thought to be because water is alkaline, with a pH of 7.3, and is considered a natural treatment to become acne free. Drinking at least eight glasses of water a day will help your body get rid of oil and waste toxins that can damage your skin.

2 If you have body acne then you should use a salicylic acid based cleanser to wash your body daily. This will exfoliate the skin and prevent the skin from drying out.

3 It is very important that you shower everyday and especially if you have been sweating a lot throughout the day. This will help to remove some of the dirt and trap bacteria on the outer surface of the skin and help the pores to breathe.

You should also use a body moisturizer that contains hydroxy acid which will prevent the skin from drying out and also prevent future breakouts

4 Don't pop pimples. It can be very tempting to try and pop a pimple but you really shouldn't, because your finger tips can push dirt and bacteria further down the skin and cause swelling and redness.

These tips may sound simple, but take them as your weapon, to stand up against acne and they will be some of the best acne free tips you've tried.

There are many medicines and creams that are used to fight acne. But leading a healthy lifestyle is by far the best way to obtain a clean and clear skin. Changing habits will be hard at first, but in the long run you will have a better general health. For more Acne Free Treatment tips, visit and here's to your success of becoming acne free!

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