Saturday, January 26, 2013

Modern Ways to Get Rid of Acne Scars

With the advancement of technology, comes along the different machineries that are used to make life much easier. Through the help of different skin care experts there are now several modern ways how to get rid of acne scars and acne fast. This involves the use of newly created chemicals, UV rays, and different equipments to see visible results as fast as two to three weeks. Although these modern techniques may need to spend at least a hundred dollars or more, you are sure that these are safe and effective as compared to less expensive products that you can buy over the counter.

One of the most popular ways to get rid of acne scars fast is through the treatment called Laser Resurfacing. This medical treatment is advisable for those who had a serious fight against acne, leaving deep marks and dark blotches on the skin. Laser resurfacing treatment is only done by a licensed dermatologist in his clinic. With the use of the laser, the top layer or the damaged part of the skin is removed. Afterwards, the middle layer of the skin tightens. It would result into a smoother and flawless skin. The skin is expected to completely heal within two to three days.

Another way to get rid of acne scars using the latest technology if through the Dermabrasion treatment. It involves the use of spinning diamonds or wire brush to wear down the first layer of the skin. The skin would usually take a long time to heal compared to laser resurfacing starting from five days to ten days after the treatment. However, when the skin is completely healed from the dermabrasion treatment, new skin will form having a smoother and fairer glow.

The latest treatment to get rid of acne scars is the so-called Fractional Laser Therapy. Although it uses laser, this is different from laser resurfacing. This new technology in treating acne scars works at a deeper level compared to dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. The face need not to be wounded so the skin heals faster. Usually it only takes a few hours after the therapy before the skin is completely healed. Moreover, fractional laser therapy is less expensive compared to the two methods mentioned before. Since it is so, it is not covered by any insurance. However, before one may undergo fractional laser therapy, the existing acne dilemma must be controlled. There should be not inflamed pimples, blackheads or whatsoever.

Milos Pesic is a professional dermatologist and an expert in the field of Acne Treatment []. He has helped thousands of acne sufferers remove acne, blemishes and acne scars. For more articles and resources on acne treatment, acne scar removal, natural skin care products and much more visit his site at: []

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