Thursday, February 20, 2014

Home Remedies To Remove Acne Scars - Find Out How To Really Cure Acne Scars Naturally At Home!

As if dealing with acne isn't enough, many people are left with acne scars that may cause them embarrassment and self-consciousness.

What causes acne scars?

In the simplest terms, scars are a sign of damage of the skin tissue. They are actually caused by the body's attempt to repair the damaged tissues, which leads to a loss of tissue due to the trauma of the inflammation. Some pimples called macules have the form of a red spot that disappears completely in a few months, but there are also other types of acne that are more likely to cause a scar. Cystic acne, in particular, causes nodules beneath the skin that become inflamed and may lead to scarring.

How to treat acne scars with home remedies:

Mix honey with turmeric powder: this mixture can act as a natural antibiotic. You just need to massage the scar everyday with this mixture and you can see a big improvement within days.

Use vitamins: Vitamins E and C can be very helpful. Vitamin E can make any wound heal faster and vitamin C can also speed up the healing process. You can use these vitamins in the form of a cream, or absorb them directly, by eating foods that contain them.

Mix sandalwood with rosewater: Sandalwood has a soothing and cooling effect and rosewater has exfoliating properties. All you need to do is to mix some sandalwood with a few drops of rosewater and apply it on the scarred area.

Use cucumber: as you may already know, putting cucumber slices over your eyes can reduce the swelling, and surprisingly cucumber can also be used to reduce scars. Just make a paste with cucumber, apply it onto the scar and leave it overnight, in order to smooth out the scarring.

Use egg whites: Egg whites contain a lot of protein and can promote skin regeneration. Just apply an egg white on the affected area, leave it for a few minutes and then wash it off.

Use Aloe Vera: it is a very good source of vitamins and minerals and can heal damaged skin. You can apply an Aloe Vera gel directly to the skin and leave it on for 15 minutes before rinsing it off. Aloe Vera will help scars fade and make your skin very smooth. It is effective in the treatment of burns, wounds and infections, because it provides the necessary building blocks to regenerate the skin and reduce scarring. Aloe Vera acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and can also boost your immune system.

Now You Need To Pay Close Attention-

This is the #1 method to GET RID OF ACNE SCARS virtually overnight! Click Here to find out!

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