Acne is the worst skin ailment to have as it makes people lose their self confidence. The best acne medication is to first understand what all may lead to acne and its growth.
The causes of acne can be many like puberty, bad lifestyle, oily and junk food, not having appropriate quantity of water or poor hygiene. At times acne is hereditary also. It's very important to understand and acknowledge the reason for the cause of acne prior to treating it with medication.
Acne medication depends largely upon what kind of acne you are suffering from and with what severity you have been affected by acne. Mild acne does not require much of medication while moderate and severe acne may require heavy acne medication.
It is of two types:
oOral medication
oTopical medication
Oral medication includes tablets and antibiotics that can be taken orally. While topical medication involves medicated gels, ointments and creams to be applied on the affected area on face, back or chest.
During mild acne, one may use any of the two treatments. But while treating moderate and severe acne, doctors generally prescribe a combination of the two. Some of the frequently advised medicines by doctors are:
oAzelaic Acid
oBenozyl Peroxide
oOral antibiotics that include Tetracycline, Doxycycline, Minocycline
oSodium Sulfacetamide
oOral Contraceptives
These medications work very well. At times acne is hormonal or in genetics also. In such cases, the treatment acne medication again changes. Self medication is the worst thing to do. Consult a doctor as he may be able to tell you the best option you may go for. He may also prescribe you retinoids and hormonal agents or may be a combination in order to free you from acne.
Wait! Don't just keep on following any medication for acne free skin. Know how can you Have Flawless Skin with medication.
Don't let any medicine harm your skin. Get to know the Right Acne Medication.
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