Today, these imperfections can be solved with a single treatment called acne scar laser treatment, without anesthesia as an outpatient, with resumption of normal activities after one week of treatment.
Acne Scar Laser Treatment that is The Erbium laser.
The Erbium laser resurfacing laser (laser fotodermoabrasione) is a new technique, safe and reliable, able to produce, in experienced hands, stunning results. It's a highly accurate method that requires a dermatologist precise criterion for selection, preparation and management of patients.
Only companies with careful preparation and a thorough knowledge of techniques of laser chirurugia are able to deliver results to meet the expectations of patients.
In practice the laser beam causes a vaporization of the layer of skin affected by scarring (without damaging the underlying tissues), forming a "new skin", and then the disappearance of 60-70 per cent of scars (there are, but less obvious Only those deeper).
With the introduction of a new technique called "Smooth Mode" Erbium laser in the second generation, it also leads to a stimulation of the synthesis of new collagen in the dermis below, with a fill effect that is evident already after about a month but is completed after about six months after treatment.
This particular type of Erbium Laser (VSP) also greatly reduces recovery times following treatment, because after the treatment was not necessary to apply and no dressing on the treated area will be only a thin greyish-brown crust that is removed after about a week.
Sometimes, especially in forms of nodular cystic acne and, after recovery remain significant scarring that is impossible to deal satisfactorily with the patient, even with the peelings more "profound" and aggressive. There is a possible in more complex cases to repeat the treatment (acne scar laser treatment) after a month for improvements even more apparent.
BONUS TRICK YOU WON'T MISS: Ask yourself this question now "Did you want free from acne and have a beautiful and healthy skin?" Then I strongly recommended you to try this FREE NATURAL ACNE TREATMENT IN JUST 14 DAY OR LESS.
Never underestimate the Acne that can make huge damage to your skin!
Found yourself the True Secret of how to get rid of acne, conquering back your beautiful skin and have a balance inside that you should have it in the first place.
Laser treatment is really coming of age!