If you have acne scars, I'm sure you have researched endlessly for a cure. And with no doubt you've found a lot of information out there, but it all seems to be focused on severe scarring and extreme procedures. However, what if you have less obvious scarring that you want to get rid of?
Minor protusions are usually not taken seriously even though it can cause major self-esteem issues. The great thing about this type of scarring is that you have a good chance of completely eliminating them. As far as treatment goes, your best options are microdermabrasion and scar gel or creams.
Here is a global overview of both alternatives.
How to Heal with Microdermabrasion
In microdermabrasion procedures, mechanical abrasion is used to remove dead skin cells. It can be likened to a deep exfoliation. This procedure is very popular procedure and is used to help remove the signs of aging like blemishes and age spots.
It is a relatively gentle procedure that does not require anesthesia. If it is used regularly, microdermabrasion can keep your skin looking healthier.
Microdermabrasion is an effective way for the removal of these scars. If it is minor, it will be relatively superficial and easier to treat. By using microdermabrasion you can efficiently remove scar tissue and replace it with healthier skin cells.
The process is slow so you may need to have repeated session in order to see a difference.
A Skin Cream Gel
You can also remove scars by using a cream or gel. This type of skin product helps remove damaged scar tissue through enzymatic exfoliation. And, as with microdermabrasion, these products require consistent use to show results. So, if you decide to use a topical treatment, make sure to be constant.
In which case you should look for a natural scar care gel that contains ingredients such as Helix aspersa muller glycoconjugates. This type of product is a very good choice for scar removal. Its biological molecular structures include:
*copper peptides,
*antimocrobial peptides
*oligoelements such as zinc, copper, calcium and iron
The use of snails dates as far back as 400BC when Hippocrates and his fellow physicians would prescribe them for burns and other skin problems. More recently, snail serum has been added to several different skin care products to treat anything from acne to dry skin.
It was discovered that this ingredient was capable of inducing the proliferation of fibroblasts and reconstituting the optimal functional capacity of premature fibroblasts. It can also facilitate the reconstruction of the skin's architecture through its action on collagen fibers. Both of these properties are a sign of the benefits that can be obtained and used in 00healing.
Not only are natural skin creams effective, but they are also safe and can be used to treat all types of skin.
If you have minor facial acne scars or acne scars on other parts of your body, BIOACNECARE is a great www.abateacne.com/scartreatment acne scars treatment for you. Besides its ability to heal acne scars, it can also deal with moderate acne. However, if your acne scars require a more intense treatment, BIOSKINEXFOL is a natural www.abateacne.com/treatments acne scar removal cream that uses micro-abrading crystals to help remove severe scars and cystic scars.
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