Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Little Known Ways to Get Rid of Pimple Scars Naturally

Image is important to every person. Deformity and ugly acne can exceedingly alter a person's confidence and self-esteem. It seems rather unfair for a person to develop acne and pimple marks all at the same time. The sad truth is both acne and pimple marks can occur to anyone. Commonly, after the acne has recovered and cleared up, small marks take the place of pimples. Apparently, scar tissues appear to remind acne sufferers of what was left of a horrible pimple.

More often than not, pimple scars can appear as pink or reddened marks at the skin's surface. Furthermore, they may also come out as dark - colored spots. The damaged tissue is expected to generate into a permanent mark. As the medical research and technology advances, skin experts came up with treatments and solutions for acne and acne marks. Example of these ground-breaking acne management technologies are the Laser non - ablative treatment and the CO2 Laser Resurfacing Therapy. Yes, these treatments are effective. Still and all, the price range of these innovative skin treatments are significantly high, ranging from $300 -$6500. Visibly, they are grandiose and expensive. Despite the contrary, there are alternative ways of eliminating scars naturally.

Cited Below Are Some Of The Most Effective Remedies For Acne Scars:

Keeping The Body Hydrated - Many will agree that drinking plenty of water is favorable. Not only does it help reduce acne scars, it also improves the circulation of the blood. Likewise, it enhances the potency of the body to heal wounds. For these reasons, it is vital to hydrate and drink plenty of water at least 8 glasses a day.

Tomatoes - One of the most useful treatment for acne and acne scars is Vitamin A. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A. Eating fresh tomatoes everyday can improve the appearance of acne scars and can prevent future development of acne.

Honey Mask- Based on medical books, acne is caused by Propionibacterium acnes or P. acnes. Honey when used as a mask is effective in managing acne because of its antimicrobial properties. If customarily applied, it can improve the appearance of the acne scars in a matter of days.

Aloe Vera- Applying Aloe Vera gel or juice can help fade acne marks. It is inexpensive and highly accessible. Many are growing Aloe Vera plants in the comfort of their own homes, whereas the Aloe Vera gels are found in most beautifying products. A number of local stores and online shops are selling Aloe Vera gels.

Massage Therapy Using Essential Oils - Gentle massage is proven to improve the circulating blood in the body. Utilizing essential oil like olive and almond oil can aid in the repair of damaged skin due to acne breakout.

Managing Stress - Stress can bring forth acne breakouts. Try to circumvent from stressful situations and find ways on how to manage stress conditions like listening to calm music and reading a good story book.

Ice Tubes and Ice packs - One of the easiest and most convenient means of reducing acne and acne scars is applying ice pack or ice cubes in the affected area. It may not provide immediate results but if used regularly can significantly improve the skin's texture.

Lemon Juice - Lemon juice is effective in quenching thirst. It also contains citric acid that is known to be a part of the AHAs group. This specific property can help eliminate acne scars.

Exfoliation - It is important to exfoliate at least every week. Mud face packs are effective in removing dead skin cells. It also helps rejuvenates the skin.

Alongside the mentioned natural home remedies for acne and pimple marks, there are other remedies and cures that are proven safe by experts. However if the acne condition gets worse, it is wise to contact your trusted dermatologist for advice. Most definitely, skin doctors can provide accurate analysis and effective management for the skin condition.

Discover effective www.10acne.com acne treatment for your skin today. Visit this website for relevant facts on www.10acne.com/acne_scar_treatment.html acne scar treatment and other skin care remedies.

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