People turn to natural acne skin care for one simple reason: Acne care can be very expensive. Doctor visits, lab tests, and prescriptions, not to mention clarifiers, moisturizers, ointments, masques, serums, and mud can cost up to $10,000 a year.
Many people start medical treatment for acne only to find out months later that their insurance companies have denied their claims for a "cosmetic procedure."
The good news is that there are easy methods of natural acne skin care that really work. Here are seven tips you need to know about for treating acne naturally.
1. Use your vaporizer or humidifier unless it's raining outside.
Keeping the air inside your home moist will help keep your skin moist and flexible. Supple skin lets oil flow naturally out of pores rather than trapping inside to cause acne.
2. Instead of benzoyl peroxide, use tea tree oil creams.
Both benzoyl peroxide and tea tree oil kill the bacteria that cause acne. Tea tree oil is a little less expensive, and it offers some benefits you won't get from benzoyl peroxide.
Tea tree oil doesn't just kill bacteria, it also takes the red out of pimples. Tea tree oil relieves itch and inflammation and it prevents future breakouts.
3. Consider MOM.
Milk of magnesia is an easy and inexpensive way to hide pimples. Put a dab of milk of magnesia on a pimple to hide it for up to twelve hours, or until your wash or sweat the milk of magnesia off.
Milk of magnesia will also relieve pain and inflammation.
4. If you get big, red pimples with yellow centers, treat them with honey.
The propolis in honey contains potent antioxidants that help the skin fight the staph bacteria that cause ugly pimples with yellow heads. Over 100 scientific studies confirm the value of honey in treating certain bacterial infections, and it is even used as an antiseptic for cosmetic surgery.
5. Don't wash your skin too harshly or too often.
Be gentle with your skin. Don't rub soap on your face with a washcloth. Make a foamy lather of soap or cleanser and apply to your face with clean fingertips. Then rinse off with warm water.
It's also important not to rub your face dry with a towel. Pat your face dry to keep from rubbing soap film into the pores you just cleansed.
6. Use sunscreen, but make sure the label has the word "noncomedogenic."
It's a little known fact that excessive exposure to sun can cause a series of skin reactions that lead to the formation of blackheads. You need to protect your skin from too many ultraviolet rays, but you need to be sure to use products that don't cause the formation of whiteheads and blackheads.
Look for the word "noncomedogenic," meaning it does not form comedos, or acne without inflammation.
7. If the wrong treatments have left you with acne scars, try natural acne scar skin care.
The services of your dermatologist or aesthetician often can get rid of acne scars right away, but you can make acne scars less noticeable on your own.
Applying a milk mask or a mild exfoliant to your skin about once a week will remove dead skin cells. This makes your skin more flexible and even, smoothing out scar lines.
More About Natural Acne Skin Care
We're all individuals and the causes of acne can be unique to each of us. Even though these seven tips are tried and true and work every time for most people, they might not be the perfect natural acne skin care solution for you.
Give these acne cures a try and if none work for you there are others you can use. Finding the perfect natural acne skin care solution involves a little trial and error.
Visit the Natural Acne Treatment website for more Natural Acne Solutions. Visit now! You have nothing to lose but those ugly zits.
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