Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Need to Diminish Acne Scars?

One of the most frequent skin disorders affecting people today is acne. Acne is caused by the plugging up of skin pores so that natural oils can't escape. When the natural oil can't escape to the surface of the skin, that becomes a breeding ground for bacteria. Plugged up pores encourage the bacteria that is already there to multiply. When acne sufferers pick and scratch their pimples, scarring naturally happens.

Once someone's face becomes scarred from acne that has been scratched, it's very difficult to get rid of the scars that are left behind.

These technologies for acne removal include dermabrasion, collagen injections and laser techniques.

It's good that there are a number of medical procedures that can help return skin to its former good looks, but many individuals can't afford them. No one really knows for sure what will eventually happen to skin when it's been treated by some of the harsh chemicals used today for removing acne pits.

Because of the risk of modern medical treatments on scarred skin and the expense, many people are taking an interest in natural means to reduce scars.

The fact that these treatments can be done in the comfort of one's own home is an advantage for those who suffer from scarring. Also, these natural methods not only may help scars diminish but also help the skin to look and feel better.

Treatments you can do in the privacy of your own home are safe and inexpensive.

Most home remedies use minerals, vitamins, herbal extracts and antioxidants, so there are few if any side effects. However, they are not really very successful for severe marks and are used for milder cases of scarring.

These home treatments aren't new, but they've been around for a long time because they have been effective for many individuals for years and they still work today.

Vitamin E is one of the home remedies for all kinds of scars, but it needs to be applied faithfully and consistently for a long period of time.

Here's another remedy: mix cucumber and tomato juice together and place on your scars. Lemon juice may be beneficial if it is placed directly on acne scars. You might want to mash some garlic cloves into a fine paste and then leave it on your skin for about 15 minutes before washing it off.

Place a mixture of sandalwood powder and a little rosewater on your face. Try an oatmeal paste mask on your face.

A little honey warmed up and massaged into your skin makes an unusual and inexpensive moisturizing method for treating acne scars.

Some people find applying egg whites to acne scars helpful.

Most homemade face masks can stay on the skin for about half an hour and some can be left on longer. Then wash them off.

Homemade acne remedies require patience before results can be seen.

If picking and scratching at your acne has left scars, you may never be able to get rid of all of them. Nevertheless, natural treatments may help your scars to improve.

You should concentrate on preventing acne scars in the first place. That's why you should fight the urge to finger your zits and pick them. Living a healthy lifestyle will also help your skin to look better.

Are pimples ruining your good looks? Watch free video, "How to Fight Acne and Win" and learn more about acne scar home remedies Visit for help in fighting acne.

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