Among the many natural cures for acne scarring is Rosehip oil. Rosehip oil is also an anti aging as well as an anti wrinkling agent which helps skin regeneration. Simply work into the scared area twice a day.
Make sure to have a balanced diet that includes a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
This works wonders in healing scarring from acne. It also helps in the healing process of skin cells as well as giving a healthy glow to your skin.
Use rose water mixed with sandal wood paste and apply it directly to the scarred area. Keep the mixture on overnight and in the morning rinse with cool water.
Now here are the not so natural cures for acne scarring. These procedures are normally done by dermatologists and definitely give faster results. However if you are pregnant or have other health problems it could hinder you to use these procedures. These are just a few of the high tech procedures that remove scarring from acne.
Not only dermatologists but also spas and salons now perform dermabrasion. Dermabrasion is to remove the top layer of skin by using a machine that gently removes the skin. Once healed the top portion of skin has a smoother and much clearer appearance.
One of the more affordable scarring treatments is laser resurfacing. This is simply using a high energy light that removes the scarring and also prevents wrinkles.
The last modern day miracle to remove scarring from acne is to have a chemical peel. This is similar to dermabrasion.
The one difference is the top portion of skin is peeled using chemicals instead of a machine. However the one harsh side effect for some people is having an allergic reaction to the chemicals. This can produce a very red and sometimes swollen face.
If you want to know more on how to cure your acne and acne scars the all natural way from home, click on the link below and find out! Click Here to find out how to get rid of acne using cheap home remedies. The all natural acne treatment that works.
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