Saturday, October 26, 2013

Effective Home Remedies That Work on Pimple Scars

Sometimes the scars left by acne can cause more concern than the acne itself. Acne scars can leave your face with large pits and open pores that are very visible and difficult to conceal. The best way to deal with pimple scars is to act fast, the longer the acne is left untreated the more likely it is to leave a scar.

Acne scars form because the skin tissue has been damaged. As soon as you form a spot the body will start to repair itself. Your immune system will try to deal with the bacteria and inflammation and your body will start to replace skin cells to repair the skin surface. Unfortunately the body does this in the most practical way it can, repairing the skin is the priority not the cosmetic effect of the repair.

Cystic acne is the most likely type of acne to leave you with scars as the large pus filled cysts place the most strain on the skin. It is important not to pick or try to burst the spots. This will only spread bacteria causing more spots to form and is likely to cause an acne scar as you have damaged the skin surface making repair more difficult.

Instead, try to dry the spot out. You need to reduce the swelling and kill any bacteria. This will help your body to repair the skin. For large individual spots there are two very fast and effective spot treatments you can try

Aspirin. You are not going to swallow the aspirin, you are going to use it as a spot remedy that is used directly on the spot. Crush one aspirin with a spoon, then add a few drops of water so that you form a paste. Carefully apply this directly to the spot. Try to avoid getting the paste onto the surrounding skin. Aspirin contains acyclic acid which is found in some commercial acne treatments. It will kill bacteria and dry out the spot. Leave it on for 15 minutes then rinse off. If your skin shows no reaction you can leave it on for longer or even over night.
Toothpaste is a favourite acne remedy. Apply in the same way as the aspirin cure and again leave for 15 minutes initially and longer if your skin does not show sensitivity. Do not use whitening toothpaste as this contains bleach which could damage your skin.

Both of these treatments are quite strong and should not be used over a prolonged period.

If your acne covers a large skin area you could try milk of magnesia applied neat with cotton wool over the affected area. This will dry the skin and remove excess sebum, it is also mildly antiseptic so will kill bacteria. Allow the mixture to dry and rinse off.

Honey has been used successfully to treat spots and scars. Try adding a little turmeric powder to honey and use the mixture as a cleansing lotion each day. You can also mix honey with finely ground oatmeal and apply as a face pack. This allows the honey time to work and will also help prevent further spots.

The inside of orange skin has also been used to reduce acne scars. Either mash the skin to form a pulp or simply gently rub the skin with the inside of the orange peel.

I started by saying that the body will do all it can to repair your skin. You can help it do this by providing your system with high levels of nutrients. You particularly need to provide high levels of vitamins E and C. Vitamin E is found in many nuts and seeds, almonds hazel nuts and pumpkin seeds are good, and you only need a few each day to get high levels of the vitamin. Both vitamins are found in green leafy vegetables.

Treat the problem from both the inside and the out and you should soon see improvements to those scars.

I have listed a number of other treatments on as your skin is unique it is important to trial a treatment to see if it will work for you then try alternatives until you get the result you want.
I would be interested to hear about your success. Do leave comments at

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