Thursday, February 21, 2013

The 10 Best Home Remedies For Your Acne Problems - Axe Your Acne Now!

Acne eruptions can occur for a variety of reasons! They can be caused by pollution, heredity, puberty or simple negligence in your skin's hygiene. But in spite of this, treating acne can be very simple. You can say good bye to expensive medications because there are actually many effective homemade acne remedies that you can whip up right in your own home!

So read on and get the ten most popular and effective homemade remedies!

Aloe vera. This plant not only removes the swelling and redness, it can also help remove blemishes left after the pimple has subsided. Use the fleshy part of the plant and apply it on your face twice a day until the swelling and the redness disappears!
Lemon or Orange. These citrus fruits are rich in citric acid which is a natural skin exfoliator. Dead skin cells, which have accumulated in the pores, are one of the main causes of acne. You can apply the juice undiluted or mixed with rose water for 15 minutes a day for 15 days to see great results!
Oatmeal. An oatmeal mask is a great way for removing excess oil, dead skin cells and dirt in your pores. The mask acts like a sponge that will absorb the debris and dirt giving your face the thorough cleansing that it needs!
Saline solution. A mixture of salt and warm water, when applied to the face twice a day can kill pimple causing bacteria and remove excess oil on your face.
Cucumber. Cucumber is not only good for the eye bags but can also help you avoid acne eruptions. Incorporating cucumber in your diet is great for the digestive system and for your over-all skin health.
Vinegar. The acidity of vinegar will kill acne-causing bacteria, absorb excess oil and balance your skin's pH. Depending on your preference, you can use a more diluted solution of vinegar (8:1 ratio of household vinegar and water) or a more concentrated solution (2:1 ratio of household vinegar and water). Apply the solution onto the affected area for 10 minutes and rinse off.
Egg white mask. Beat the egg whites until frothy, leave the mask on the face for 15 minutes and rinse off. Egg whites are great in removing excess oil and rebuilding damaged areas of your skin!
Baking Soda Paste. A mixture of baking soda and water can act as a natural facial scrub and exfoliant to unclog pores and remove excess oil. Massage the paste on you face for 10-15 seconds and rinse off with water. 
Garlic. Making a paste out of two cloves of garlic and applying it over the acne, twice a day will reduce the swelling and the redness. You can even incorporate this into your diet if you are not bothered by its pungent smell!
Toothpaste. Toothpaste is great at reducing the swelling and preventing the spread of acne. Place on the affected area overnight and rinse off in the morning.

These are just a few of the secrets to acne free skin. Click Here to find out how to get rid of your acne fast. For good!


  1. I need to find a way to cure acne that actually works and is inexpensive. Does anyone have any suggestions? Thanks! best acne treatment review

  2. I have moderate adult acne... I don't know what to do to clear this up... I don't want to use anything crazy on my skin,any suggestions? acne treatment review center
