Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Best Options For Removing Acne Scars

If you have suffered from acne before, you have probably been left with some acne scars on your face. And if you're wondering what are some of the best options available for removing these annoying scars, you have come to the right place. In this article, I will share with you some of the options available for you to consider.

One of the best options I know of is called "laser re-surfacing". This procedure is normally carried out within a hospital or medical center by a doctor or dermatologist. This is a corrective surgical technique where the top layer of your skin is removed, revealing a clean fresh layer without scars. It's the fastest way to eliminate acne scars.

Laser re-surfacing is a sure-fire method for removing acne scars once and for all. However, the downside to this option is the high cost involved. The cost can range from $500 to $5000 per treatment depending on the modality and the areas to be lasered or re-surfaced.

Those who suffer from deep acne scarring (ice pick scars) due to severe acne can consider a procedure called the "punch graft". This is a complicated procedure where the scarred skin is replaced by good and healthy skin removed from other parts of the body.

Both options mentioned above can permanently get rid of acne scars but they can be both painful and expensive. In most cases, you need a few round of treatments to get the best results. Before deciding which option to take, make sure you consult with your local dermatologist first.

On the lighter side, there are also home based remedies that can help fade acne scars. One popular treatment is to rub vitamin E onto the scarred area. Vitamin E can be purchased in a liquid form or in capsule that you can cut open and apply the vitamin directly onto your scars.

Although home based remedies won't remove acne scars entirely, it does help reduce the appearance of scars. They're also safe and inexpensive.

Visit www.facialskincareinfo.com www.facialskincareinfo.com for more articles and information about www.facialskincareinfo.com skin care tips for acne prone skin.

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