The scars of adolescence often times are more than emotional. While many of us suffered at the hands of the neighborhood bully or the beautiful but mean girl, the scars left by their actions do not last nearly as long as the scars from the dreaded adolescent nemesis, acne.
Even though the acne breakout may last a short period of time, the physical acne scars left on the face can last a lifetime. We've all heard the taunts...pit face, crater face, and pizza face. Sometimes we have even been the target of such cruelty. However, advancements in medical procedures and the
development of drugs to get rid of scar from acne has helped reduce and eliminate acne scarring,
Acne scars often are in the form of small pit type scarring or in severe cases, may be in the form of larger crater like scars. This acne scarring is a daily reminder of the sometimes painful years of our youth.
Procedures to get rid of acne scar vary, and in severe cases, consulting a physician should be the
first step in determining the correct course of treatment. Other personal or professional decisions to consider when seeking to get rid of acne scar may include medical history, severity of the acne scarring, type of acne scar, tolerance for discomfort associated with procedures and your personal opinion regarding available acne scar removal treatments.
The primary treatments to get rid of scar from acne include dermabrasion, chemical peels, collagen injections, autologous fat transfer, punch grafts and laser resurfacing. A brief description of each procedure follows. As always, please consult your healthcare professional before obtaining any medical procedure.
Dermabrasion, sometimes called surgical skin planing, is often used to treat a variety of skin conditions including acne scars. The process includes anesthetizing the treatment area then an abrasive instrument is used to remove the damaged outer layers of skin. For the first few days following the procedure, the treated area may be discolored red and very sensitive. It is not unusual to feel a burning sensation in the treated area, and the discomfort can usually be treated with over the counter pain medication.
Chemical Peels:
Another way to get rid of the scar is by using a chemical solution. Chemical peels can enhance your complexion, appearance and self confidence by removing the damaged outer layers, leaving a smooth and improved skin texture. This process is best used on scars which are not very deep and can soften or even remove acne scarring. Side effects of chemical peels may include redness, stinging or other irritation and infrequently infection or additional scarring.
Collagen Injections:
Used primarily as a wrinkle filler, collagen injections can also be used to reduce the visibility of acne scars. With a fine needle, the dermatologist will inject the collagen just underneath skin. The injected material usually created from bovine skin and processed into a liquid form, pushes the depression created by the acne scar outward creating a smoother look. Usually, the only discomfort associated with this procedure is the injection itself. Make-up may be applied immediately upon completing and normal activities may be resumed.
Autologous Fat Transfer:
Much like collagen injections, the procedure is essentially the some, except that the material is harvested from the patient's skin and processed into a liquid.
Punch Grafts:
A procedure proven to be highly successful when treating the ice pick type acne scars, this procedure is also effective when treating scars left behind by chicken pox or some types of trauma. The procedure essentially transplants skin grafts from behind the ear and places the grafts over areas of excised acne scarred areas. Recovery time to allow the grafts to "take" is approximately one week.
Laser Resurfacing:
As the name suggests, this procedure is performed by passing a laser over the affected area, where it removes the damaged skin one layer at a time. This procedure encourages the creation of additional natural collagen, which results in the reduction of the acne scars. Side effects from this procedure may include scarring, infection and the reduction or increase in skin pigment.
Finally as we had previously advised do not start any of these procedures to get rid of scar before consulting your dermatologist. Some of these recommended procedures need to be properly supervised to give you the desired results of a clear smooth skin.
Maria Mbura is a publisher of an Acne Website, which provides you with unbiased and up-to-date Acne Information and Resources, Useful Articles related to the best Acne+Treatment, Acne+Solution
and much more that you need to make an informed decision about your Acne problem.
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