Mild and moderate acne can be treated without leaving acne scars. However, it's not the same case with severe acne, which leaves a scar inevitably.
Thankfully, with the advancement of technology, treating acne scars is not at all difficult. Type of acne scars that a person experiences are different and so are their treatments. No two people can be given same treatment because the facial topography of every person is different.
To avoid scars you should clean your skin properly and thus can refrain from forming zits. Still, you can cease scars in severe acne as the lesions stay on the skin for quite some time and even in cystic acne, where the cysts remain on the skin for weeks altogether, thereby leaving scars.
Types of Acne Scars
Bacteria formation is the actual reason for appearance of pimples. These bacteria damage the skin and once the acne clears, a discoloured skin is left back. This discoloured skin not actually a scar and normally clears off on its own in a year's time. Those marks that remain, which we also know as scars, need to be treated.
These are of the different types like:
oIce pick scars: if you have deep pits over your skin, that means you are suffering from ice pick scars.
oBoxcar scars: these seem to be angular in form and appear more frequently on cheeks and temples. These appear to be very alike the chicken pox scars.
oRolling scars: these look like waves in shape.
oHypertrophic scars: severe acne usually leaves thickened scars called hypertrophic scars.
These need to be treated by a physician or dermatologist. May people have come across good results very soon while undergoing combined topical and oral treatment and that is exactly what a good doctor will prescribe you.
Your skin type and the type of acne scars you have greatly affect your treatment. Scars on faces are very easily treated while those who have scars on back and chest take time to respond to the treatment.
Do you know it takes months altogether to get rid of acne scars? If you can't wait that long, click on to Get rid of Acne Scars within few days.
There are ways of clearing your skin of acne scars.Get to know how to Clear Your Acne Scars fast.
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