Monday, December 10, 2012

Home Treatments For Acne Scars

Acne scars are an important issue and it can have a negative effect on self-esteem, not to mention the physical aspects as well. Having acne is not pleasant, but what is even worse that having this condition is the scaring that goes with it as it can take much longer to clear up. It can be really frustrating because when you acne goes away you expect the scars to go right along with it but this does not happen. All you really want is to have the real you back, the you that has a healthy, natural, and glowing appearance without that annoying acne scarring. If you do a little research from the library and online you can find some helpful home remedies that can relieve your condition, and make you feel good about yourself again. You may be on a limited budget and can not afford expensive treatments, but there are a few things you can try at home that may help your scars go away forever.

You need not look any further than your kitchen cabinets for one such easy treatment. Olive oil is one application method you can try to help relieve the redness that comes with the acne scars on your face. This home treatment will not remove the deep seated scars that appear, but it will help to lighten and red markings that appear. One side benefit from trying the olive oil treatment is that is helps you bring moisture and softness back to your facial skin. All you need to do is apply a small amount of olive oil to your acne scars once daily and you will see some improvement over time.

Another simple treatment to consider is using common vitamins you can find at any over the counter pharmacy or drug store. The skin cells on your face need proper nutrients just like any other cell throughout your body. By taking the proper vitamins you are feeding these cells so they can be healthy and function the way they were designed. The vitamins you will want to try are vitamins A, E, and C, and take doses on a daily basis. You may want to consult your family doctor to find out just how much of these vitamins to take. Also, these vitamins are abundantly provided in a normal healthy diet, so if you are eating right you are already getting them in sufficient quantities.

One last home remedy to try is using an ice pack treatment. This might seem a little strange, but applying ice packs directly to your facial acne scars can actually help to reduce them. Another approach is to take an ice cube and apply a circular ice massage to the scars, and do this for up to ten minutes at a time. You will find you can do this just as much as you want, and that it helps to shrink the size of the scars. What happens is that the blood vessels will contract as they rapidly cool down and that shrinks the skin cells right along with it.

Now, if you have a little money to spend on an acne scar treatment you should consider using retinol based products. Retinol has natural nutrients that are need to treat the acne scars right where the damages cells are and give them building blocks needed to repair themselves. You will see immediate and amazing results from retinols based products, and if you shop around you can find one that will meet your budgetary requirements.

If you are considering a skin treatment for your acne scarring then you should try using retinol acne products.

Find out more information, reviews, and availability for a retinol acne product by visiting

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