Body and face acne is a very dangerous skin disease. This problem generally affects the chest, buttocks, and back. Stress, hormones, and other factors lead to the problem of acne. You will be surprised to know that even perspiration and body-fit clothes can lead to acne. This is the reason why even energetic women face this problem. Following are some basic tips to remove acne:
Basic Methods to Remove Acne:
The very basic thing required to remove acne is the basic hygiene that you must always follow. Take showers to clean away any perspiration that is accumulated in the body. Try using cleansers which are salicylic-acid-based. After taking a bath, dry yourself with a pad that contains salicylic acid or benzoyl peroxide.
Are Antibiotics Really Worth?
If you are unable to handle the mulish acne, then you should take a course of retinoid or oral antibiotics. Antibiotics like minocycline or tetracycline can be very helpful to remove acne. However, if you go about comparing both the acne treatments, you will find that retinoid is more effective than the antibiotic treatment. But the duration of this course is a bit long and goes up to about 4 to 6 months. This medication must be followed under the proper guidance of a dermatologist.
Hormonal Treatments:
Hormonal treatments can be very effective in treating acne, especially in women. Generally, dermatologists inject cortisone to lessen the inflammation and redness instantly. This technique is considered to be safer than the surgery as the risk of scarring is quite less in hormonal treatments.
Even phototherapy has evolved as a good treatment. It can lessen the effects of acne up to 64%, if carried out twice a week.
Stephen Blake is an acne prevention and cure enthusiast who educates people on acne and helps them cure the common disease. He shares his acne story on where he explains how to remove acne based on his experience.
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