What's the most effective acne scar treatment? After all, there are many, many different options out there, with hundreds of products and things to try out there. You could go all all natural, and go for information and learn how to use household items for the best results. This is a very cheap option, but can be effective, providing that you know what you want to try and use.
A second option is creams, natural or not-so-natural. These creams have a large range of prices, with an average of around $50 a bottle. These creams do two things: Exfoliate the skin and also moisturize it. As I said, creams can be effective, but can help to remove acne scarring. The main plus is that you will probably see results fairly quickly as the dead skin is removed. However that progress will drop off somewhat.
You can also try surgery, either manual or with lasers. Let's look at lasers, since they're more fun. Laser work by evaporating the skin. It's just exfoliation but with an added twist of being slightly more scary! The idea is that when the skin grows back, it'll be good as new again. Of course this sort of treatment is not without side effects, one of those being more scarring! It cannot be not said that it is an effective acne scar treatment though, so it's something to consider if a) you're brave and b) you have a lot of money to spend on this sort of thing.
The most effective acne scar treatment for me however is a combination of the first two. Using natural exfoliators such as lemons with the moisturizing effects of aloe vera works brilliantly. It'll be much slower then using lasers or spending a lot of money on creams but it's very cheap and it does work if you keep at it.
To speed the process up you might like to use something like a loofah sponge or other soft skin brush that will help things along further. You could add one of the specialty creams in there as well if you like however it's up to you.
The most effective acne scar treatment for you is the one that works, so make sure that you don't laugh at any options yet. If you have tried all the other treatments then it might be time to consider surgery. But that's a last resort in my book.
Check out my easyacnescarremoval.com acne scar removal resource for more information on treating acne scars. Essential reading includes easyacnescarremoval.com/acne-scars-prevention-is-better-then-cure prevention rather then cure.
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