Friday, November 23, 2012

8 Acne Scar Removal Techniques

Acne scars start to appear during puberty, when the body produces excessive hormones, and this causes an influx of sebum in the skin. Even after acne is gone, it can leave marks behind that are permanent, changing the way a person looks forever.

There are many acne scar removal methods available today. Removing acne scars can be both expensive and inexpensive. The cost of removing acne scars largely depends on the type of acne scar and the type of technique is most appropriate.

If you can't afford the more expensive acne scar removal techniques like laser resurfacing and dermabrasion, don't lose hope. Below are 5 natural techniques you can use today, and they are not at all expensive.

1. Keep yourself hydrated.

A well known fact is that water is still the best natural method for preventing acne breakouts and removing the acne scars. Drink a minimum of at least eight full glasses of water a day to shed those dead skin cells.

2. Use vitamin E.

Another good recommendation is to use vitamin E capsules. Take a capsue, puncture it and apply vitamin E onto your acne scars. You can also take vitamin E orally and have the cells repair themselves from the inside.

3. Use rosehip seed oil.

Another natural acne scar removal remedy is to rub rosehip seed oil on the acne scars twice a day. Rosehip seed oil has anti-aging and anti-wrinkling properties and work by regenerate the skin.

4. Eat a balanced diet.

Many people tend to overlook this natural remedy. Eating a healthy and well-balanced diet also aids in acne scar removal. The more nutrients there are in your diet, the faster your acne scars will heal. Your body wills start building skin cells while at the same time giving your skin a healthy glow.

5. Use sandalwood and rose water

A combination of rose water and sandalwood paste and applying it on the acne scars helps reduce scarring. Leave the mixture on your skin overnight. Rinse it off the next morning with cold water.

In addition to the natural home remedies, there are acne removal procedures available that do show results faster. However, some health conditions, such as pregnancy, may not make these procedures feasible. The following three methods are considered the hi-tech or more technical approaches to acne scar removal.

6. Dermabrasion is an acne scar removal method that involves the removal of the skin's top layer. It is done by a machine that literally chafes the skin off. Dermatologists and facial salons perform the dermabrasion. When the skin heals, it will have a clearer and softer appearance.

7. Laser resurfacing is an affordable acne scar removal treatment out there. This method uses a high-energy light to remove fine scars and prevent wrinkles.

8. Chemical peel is another acne scar removal method. It is similar to dermabrasion but instead of using a machine, it uses chemicals to remove the top skin layer. Chemical peel is not the preferred method as many are allergic to the chemicals used.

Learn all you can about the various acne scar removal techniques available to you. Consider the ones that meet your needs and your budget. It's best to talk to a dermatologist to find out which one is the most appropriate for you.

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