Acne blemishes may disappear but they tend to leave behind a visible and ugly reminder. Treatment for removing acne scars are based on the type of scar left behind by the acne. There are dermatologist assisted treatments and self assisted treatments available.
Here is some information on these treatments for removing acne scars:
Dermatologist assisted treatment -
1. Microdermabrasion treatment is a process where a machine like a sand blaster is used for removing a fine layer of your scarred skin. This also stimulates growth of a new, healthy and scar free skin. Many treatments are usually necessary for good results.
2. Fractional laser therapy is a skin resurfacing treatment where damaged tissue is removed in fractions. It is an ideal treatment for concentrated scars in one area like the cheeks. Multiple treatments may be necessary again.
3. Excision is done to remove keloid scars that are fleshy. It is a minor surgical process where raised scars are removed. The wound is stitched after removal.
4. Collagen injections for deep depressions in the face are the best option as they restore your missing skin.
Self assisted treatment -
1. Skin lightening creams remove any discolorations or red marks. Topical lotions like this can be purchased over the counter and also by prescription. Liquorice extract, hydroquinone and kojic acid are some active ingredients. They are all skin lighteners that are powerful and fade out shallow acne scars.
2. Topical pockmark filler is used to remove the depressed acne scars. These can be bout over the counter as well. They are best for mild depressions in the face.
3. Exfoliation of your skin sloughs off damaged skin that is scarred. Salicylic or glycolic acid can be used.
Are you tired of acne scars? Are you looking for treatments for removing acne scars? Follow this link and have your questions about treatment and other methods answered Just click here.
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