Thursday, November 28, 2013

Acne Gel - Which One Best Suits You

Acne gel treatment research has shown that it can help a great deal in keeping the skin clear and therefore there may be no need for you to go for other medications. It is one of the emerging acne treatments. The gel contains retinol which is a chemical that is partially extracted from vitamin A. Although acne pills also have the chemical, retinoid, the gel sounds safer and it normally does not have many side effects. Some of the side effects however include potential peeling of the skin as well as reddish skin. In other extreme cases, the gel may lead to increased oil build up.

If acne gel works for you, don't stop just yet. A daily regimen of gel application may still be critical. Daily use will help prevent the disease from recurring. This form of treatment will also keep your facial pores open and removes any extra oil from your face. When the condition is severe, the gel may be combined with other medications.

Before you start using any type of gel, it is critical that you go for a screening that will help determine on whether you have the potential to develop hemolytic anemia. This however happens in very few cases.

Gels contain two active ingredients, that is, benzoyl peroxide and retinol. They work by targeting the exfoliation process of the skin where they release the ingredients. It is important to remember that the success rate of these products may vary from individual to individual. In general, most people who use acne gels have reported some improvement.

Mercy Maranga Reports on Health and Fitness issues. Visit Her Site here for more information on acne and its treatment. Acne

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