Saturday, September 21, 2013

Great Solution - Use an Ayurveda Acne Scars Treatment

Ayurveda is a method of treating ailments through the use of herbs. These herbs have been in traditional use since centuries in various parts of the world, especially in countries like India, which is also the birthplace of the Ayurvedic form of medicine. Recently, Ayurveda acne scars treatment has become very popular in the western countries.

Various home-based methods are used in Ayurveda acne scars treatment. The following are some of these.

Methi - Methi is known in the English-speaking world as fenugreek, a bitter herb. Its seeds are taken, about a teaspoonful of them, and put into about 1,000 to 1,500 ml of water. This solution is then brought to a boil. It is then brought down to room temperature and smeared on the areas where acne has affected the skin. This needs to be done for about 7 days.

Pudina - Pudina is known as mint in English. Its leaves have an important place in Ayurveda acne scars treatment. About a dozen of mint leaves are taken and squeezed under pressure in order to extract their juices. This juice is then dabbed onto the scars directly for a quick and lasting healing effect.

Chandana - Chandana is sandalwood, a highly potent herb for treating skin-related disorders in Ayurveda. This is applied in the form of a paste. Sandalwood is kept submerged in water for a night, when it will partially dissolve and form a paste. The paste is then rubbed on the skin where acne is present. The paste will dessicate and stiffen and after sometime it is removed by washing with cold water.

Neem - The neem tree has been almost worshipped in Ayurveda for its vast number of health benefits to the human bodies, especially in terms of treating skin disorders. The leaves have about a thousand benefits and one of them is the Ayurveda acne scars treatment. The leaves are merely kept in contact with the acne scars by wetting them or with the help of a bandage to relieve the skin of them.

Copyright (c) 2009 Buddy Shearer

Do not put up with acne any longer, learn about Ayurveda Acne Scars or and be on your way to clear, healthy skin.

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