Saturday, September 21, 2013

Get Rid of Acne Scars - Effective Treatment For Acne Scars

There are few who would question the benefit of information to get rid of acne scars. Face it, acne scarring goes a lot further than skin deep. Whether you are a teenager afraid to ask someone out or an adult afraid to go on a job interview, acne scarring affects just about everybody at some point in their lives.

This author will provide a general overview of some natural and professional intervention methods to get rid of acne scars. This article is informational only. Please research and consult a dermatologist before employing any regimen on your own.

Though it might sound general in knowledge, one must never pick at their acne. The skin is already replete with excess oil and bacteria. Picking or scratching at the affected area only serves to irritate already inflamed tissue resulting in wounds and scars.

Some natural methods acne sufferers might try are as follows: A mixture of equal parts of rosewater and sandalwood oil can be applied to the skin. Economic in price and easily found at your local health food store, this mixture can be applied directly to the skin with a cotton ball.

Make a scrub of radish seeds which have been ground and mixed with water. Apply the paste to the affected area and then rinse thoroughly with water. You can make a similar type mask with ground sesame seeds mixed with water. After applying to affected skin, remove with a damp cloth.

A good way to get rid of acne scars is by the use of lemon juice applied directly to the skin. Lemon juice will lighten the appearance of acne scars but must only be used when skin is not currently experiencing any acne eruptions as lemon juice would greatly aggravate the skin at this point.

To get rid of acne scars when home remedies fail, a dermatologist may recommend a more radical solution. Some methods performed in an office setting may include Dermal Filling. Pock marks or pits are actually filled with a substance that will smooth out the skin and bring the concave areas up flush to the rest of the non affected area. Subcision is a procedure where the scars are actually removed from the under lying deeper tissue. Dermabrasion consists of removing layers of skin with an abrading tool. As the skin heals and new tissue replaces the old, a smoother, healthier skin will emerge. All of these services performed in a dermatologist's office vary in pain and cost. To get rid of acne scars, one must decide if the benefits outweigh the cons.

In this author's opinion, it is wise to start with the least invasive methods to get rid of acne scars. Give each home remedy a decent amount of time before starting with something new. Do your research and consult with a dermatologist on severe acne scar treatment.

Now listen carefully. I am about to share with you the top methods and techniques that have been proven over and over again to get rid of acne scars. If you came to this article looking to have clear skin once again, then visit where the secrets you need await you. It may well be the most important message you read on acne.

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