Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Ew! My Acne is Driving Me Crazy! How Can I Make it Go Away Forever?

In today's society, the spotlight is always on! No longer are famous movie stars and celebrities the only people to be singled out for minor imperfections. Walk into any high school in the country and you'll quickly learn a little bit about teenage politics.

Nowadays, its almost impossible not to be confined to some sort of clique in high school. Regardless of your interest in teenage popularity, it happens. Those who choose not to define themselves are seen as losers. Those who define themselves as popular are seen as snobs.

So what does this have to do with my acne?

A lot believe it or not... Acne is one of the biggest factors in determining your high school popularity. It's such a shame that the world has come to this. What ever happened to everyone being equal? What ever happened to "Don't judge a book by it's cover"?

I hate to say it, but those days are over. We can sit here and live in our past for the next decade, or we can do something about it. I don't know about you, but I'm all for getting rid of my acne forever!

With that being said, I hope you're on board. Let's run through the most effective treatments for acne that you can do at home.

Wash your face every night with a cleaner developed for treating acne. (An example of this would be almost any face wash in the Neutrogena product line). Whatever you do, DO NOT wash your face with plain hand soap. This will dry out your face, and make treating your acne even harder in the future!

If you have long bangs, clip them up at night. I don't know why this simple tip hasn't received more coverage. Everyone that I know who has acne hates the acne on their forehead the most. It's the hardest place to treat acne and long bangs do nothing but marinate your forehead in your own oil at night. Clipping your bangs up every night will yield significant results, I guarantee it!

Don't overuse medicated treatments like Clearasil, Proactiv, etc. These treatments contain harsh acids that dry out your skin as fast as possible. While you might think this is a good thing, it actually isn't. When your face gets too dry, your body's natural reaction is to secrete more of it's own oil -- Yielding adverse results.

"But wait, I've already tried these tips and nothing seems to work for me!"

If you're truly serious about getting rid of acne and nothing else has worked, NoAcneNow.com [www.noacnenow.com/top-five-acne-treatments/] has reviewed the top 5 acne treatments on the internet. These treatments really work and they come with a 100% money-back guarantee. You have nothing to lose!

Don't let acne take away from your natural beauty. www.noacnenow.com Get rid of it today!

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