Friday, August 16, 2013

How to Get Rid of Acne Overnight - Miracle Cures!

Imagine this - you finally get the hottest guy at work to ask you out for dinner. And so you plan for a week on what to wear, what make-up to put on, buy a new pair of those killer stilettos and when the big day comes, you wake up to that red, shiny, monstrous pimple on your face. Ugh! An acne attack. Instead of screaming your lungs out, crying like crazy and slumping on your couch, here are simple yet effective ways to get rid of acne overnight before that big date comes!

Tip # 1. Go herbal. They say, going natural is always the best way. So grab some fresh garlic from your kitchen shelves, beat it up to a paste, apply on the affected part and leave it overnight. For those of you who can't stand the smell, you can always opt instead for some mint paste and milk. Apply it on the affected area for 20 minutes and rinse thoroughly. These concoctions are very easy to make at home and have been used as age old solutions to curing acne.

Tip # 2. Toothpaste. Yes, you heard it right. That paste is not only good for your teeth but also for removing acne from your skin. One of the most important steps in this solution is to start off with a freshly washed face. Apply the toothpaste to the affected area and leave for several minutes. The burning sensation you feel at the beginning is totally normal. But if the pain persists, it is advisable to rinse the paste off as fast as possible and opt for another solution.

Tip # 3. Hot steam. It is a widely known fact that hot temperature can open up our skin's pores. So for the acne that is accompanied by pus, the best way to remove this grizzly sight is to apply hot steam on your face (to open up the pores) and manually push the puss out through your pores. It is very important that you do this with clean hands to avoid further infection.

So girls (and guys), you don't need to rush to the pharmacy and spend dollars with those acne creams that do not work at all! Just following these simple solutions can do wonders for your day!

Learn more about how to finally banish your acne for good by visiting Get Rid Of My Acne and start healing your acne scars immediately.

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