Tuesday, July 9, 2013

3 Popular Acne Medications

In modern day science, there are many medicines available to give relief from acne. Some Topical acne medications, which are applied on the skin, are also given to lessen the effect of severe acne. Generally, the Systemic therapy is used when the acne case gets severe and may be administered even for moderate cases. Systemic therapy is quite effective, since it works internally. All these therapies and acne medications are very important for curing acne as they fight against various factors that give rise to acne. In order to have complete control and for a long term resolution, it is a general norm of the dermatologists to combine one or more therapies. Some of the acne medications prescribed in the United States are as follows:

Interlesional Corticosteroid Injection:

When there is a severe inflammation of the acne cyst, the chances of it starting to scar and rupture increases. Dermatologists generally inject diluted corticosteroid in these severe cysts to prevent them from scarring. The injected corticosteroid starts the healing process and reduces the inflammation. It takes about 3 to 5 days for the injected interlesional corticosteroid to reduce the size of the cyst.


Isotretinoin, an oral retinoid, is used to treat when the cystic acne is getting out of control and is not being healed by any of the other acne medications.

Oral Antibiotics:

Oral antibiotics are being used from a long period of time to treat persistent acne. Oral antibiotics work just like topical antimicrobials and help in reducing the effect of acne, which is the main factor causing acne and leading to inflammation. In case of oral antibiotics, the dosage is very strong in the initial period of the treatment of acne. The duration of the treatment is also quite long ranging from 4 to 6 months.

Stephen Blake is an acne prevention and cure enthusiast who educates people on acne and helps them cure the common disease. He shares his acne story on igotridofmyacne.blogspot.com igotridofmyacne.blogspot.com/ where he explains how to igotridofmyacne.blogspot.com remove acne based on his experience.

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