Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Laser Treatments For Acne Scars - What You Need to Know

Laser treatments, often referred to as resurfacing, are another way that lasers have been incorporated into common use by consumers for the remedy of appearance issues. Similar to the ways in which lasers have been developed to remove hair, they are also widely used to remove lines, wrinkles and scars from skin problems such as acne. If you are considering such a treatment, be sure to consult with a qualified Colorado Laser Hair Removal specialist who is knowledgeable in all the various procedures. Because skin types, amount of damage and previous treatment methods all play a part in the method of treatment used, a thorough consultation is vital to treatment success.

Before heading in for your first consultation, however, you can learn a little more about acne scar laser treatments here.

Will I achieve an even complexion?

One of the biggest concerns when using laser treatment for resurfacing for something like acne scars is the difficulty in achieving an even complexion afterwards. In spite of the fact that laser beams can be very directly targeted to problem areas, it is still hard to treat one area and have it look the same as untreated areas.

Will I still have breakouts?

The laser treatment used in resurfacing is not deep penetrating one so breakouts may still occur. Many individuals do, however, report a noticeable reduction in the frequency of breakouts. Long term lasting results are hard to achieve when the laser is not as deep.

What is a CO2 laser and how does it work?

A co2 laser is commonly used for scar reduction and works by basically vaporizing the skin layer by layer until no scar tissue remains. The laser light is scanned across the skin achieving relatively even exposure to all surface areas. When the scarred skin is removed, a healing process begins which results in new, smooth skin growing in previously scarred areas.

My acne scars are very deep. Will I get good results?

It is not likely that deep acne scars will be completely eradicated. There will be noticeable improvement and you may need several treatments.

What are the side effects?

There may be some discomfort experienced during the laser treatment and your skin can be red and irritated for a time. There may be some initial darkening or lightening of the skin as well, and some minimal scarring can occur.

How many treatments will I need?

The standard treatment to begin with is once a month for about three months. If your acne is currently active, or if there is any kind of infection associated with your acne, laser resurfacing is not recommended. It is better done when your acne is in a less active condition.

Will I need an anesthetic?

Resurfacing is normally performed under a local anesthetic and an oral sedative may be ordered as well.

What about afterwards?

After treatment you should always apply moisturizers to help the skin heal and to reduce the chance of infection. Depending on your individual needs, you may be directed to apply simple moisturizing ointments, or you may need to apply dressings treated with ointment.

What is the recovery time?

The length of time you take to heal will ultimately depend on your individual skin type and how deep your treatments were. On average, recovery time is about two weeks. During this time, you will likely be instructed to take pain medications and possibly other medications to reduce swelling.

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Rachel Clarkson
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Rachel A. L. Clarkson - Aspen Laser Spa - Liposuction, Laser Hair Removal, Botox, SmartLipo & Resurfacing in Denver, Colorado: Friendly & highly-skilled - call us now at 303.279.8900!

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