Friday, March 8, 2013

Natural Cure For Acne - Simple and Effective Methods To Eradicate Acne Today!

Can you cast your mind back to a period when there were no antibiotics or cleansers in the market? Well...have you ever wondered how people combated acne then? But now, with so many sources of acne medication accessible online, in our supermarkets and over every conceivable counter top, most folk don't even bother with thoughts of curing acne naturally! Nevertheless, the commercial cleansers found today are mostly harsh on the face, coupled with that is the high cost of "trial and error" on your part before you can determine the most suitable for your type of skin (i.e. If you ever find it). But it would amaze you how the average kitchen contains natural effective cures for acne.

Many cures for acne abound but the catch is discovering the right one for your skin type. Do not be discouraged by the "many" experimentations required to find what works best. Continue to read and find several methods of natural acne cures. Experiment with them to find which clears your skin best.

A. Natural Remedies For Curing Acne And Ensuring A Clear Skin

1. A great and effective remedy for blackheads is the use of milk and lime. Pour milk into a glass and bring it to a gentle boil. Add the juice from half a lime. Wash your face with the mixture after the milk cools down. This mixture can also be stored for a couple of days in the refrigerator.

2. Using a potato (raw) is also a brilliant natural cure for acne and whiteheads - plus it's also a cheap alternative to some of the expensive antibiotics and cleansers available over the counter. Your skin is made to glow by the presence of the Vitamin C. The raw potato also kills the bacteria on your face due to the alkaline therein. The ability of the potato to exfoliate helps you rid dead skin cell.

3. Using the Papaya fruit raw is also another natural cure for acne, having the same effect as the raw potato method above.

B. Natural Moisturizing Methods For Skin With Acne

Normally, every skin needs a moisturizer. This is so because no matter how gentle the natural products you use to clean your face, they will leave it feeling a tad dry.

The use of almond oil to re-hydrate your skin after washing it with a natural cleanser is an excellent method. Add a little water to seven to eight grinded almond nuts. Rub the resulting paste on your face and allow to stay for a few minutes, after which you can wash it off gently.

Non-flavoured yogurt is another very excellent natural moisturizer. And so is buttermilk or low fat.

Important to keep in mind concerning all natural remedies of acne and also all natural skin care products is the fact that they basically contain no preservatives, therefore the need to store them in a refrigerator. Also, it is strongly recommended that you exhaust them within a span of 2-3 days so as to retain their freshness and effectiveness. This is to prevent their usage escalating the condition of your acne!

There is a school of thought that believes that acne is related to what you eat. They quickly blame foods like chocolate, pizza, groundnut and others with a lot of oils...but in reality no proof exists to back the claim that these foods are responsible for acne or that they make acne worse.

On the other hand, eating a lot of fresh fruits with your daily food has been proven to aid the clearing of your face. This is possibly because of the presence of vitamins and minerals in fresh fruits.

If you have been told that it is impossible to get rid of your acne in a few days naturally and would like more free Information regarding natural acne remedies please visit today and you will receive a FREE report The Five Secrets To Clearing Your Skin

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