Friday, December 20, 2013

What is Acne?

Acne is the most common of all skin conditions, acne affects the face, chest, shoulders and back. A sebaceous gland, which supplies sebum to lubricate the skin, becomes blocked at its opening on the surface, its contents infected causing the surrounding skin to inflame. With mild cases, there may be only pimples and blackheads, but in more severe cases these may fill with pus or turn into cysts. Acne usually occurs around puberty, with adult Acne affecting a percentage of the population. Acne can cause great distress at any age, especially when personal appearance is very important.

Symptoms of Acne

?Blackheads and small pimples erupt on the face, shoulders, back and chest.

?The pimples fill with pus.

?Inflamed, painful cysts deep in the skin can occur in severe cases of acne. Scarring and pitting upon healing will be visible and may permanently cause an unsightly appearance.


?Spots and pimples will vary in number from week to week, but in women the number tends to increase just before a menstrual period.

?Usually the infection clears by the early twenties.


?Blockage of sebaceous glands in the skin, which may become infected.

?Heredity, hormones and skin hygiene may contribute.

?Some industrial chemicals produce or worsen acne.



?Loss of confidence

Treatment in the home

? Acne treatment at home is much easier than most people think and eating sensibly with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables will improve the general skin condition.

?Washing regularly with medicated soap or lotion and hot water. This helps with removing layers of oil that block the skin pores and disinfecting the skin.

?Sunbathing and ultraviolet lamps often help to improve acne. To avoid burning and the risk of skin cancer, build up exposure gradually.

When to consult the doctor

?If the condition is not getting any better despite the recommended home treatment.

?If any of the proprietary lotions causes a skin reaction.

?If there are cysts. These, if left untreated, will leave scars.


?Acne cannot be prevented, only controlled.
?Scarring can be prevented by early medical treatment in severe acne.

At whatever age acne starts, it is unlikely to go on getting worse indefinitely. Sooner or later it will improve.

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