Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Are You Ready to Eliminate Your Acne Scars While Clearing Your Complexion?

Did you know that acne scars are much more common than physicians once perceived, because many individuals have only mild acne scars, while others display more massive acne scars in comparison to others. To minimize the risk of permanent acne scars, the very best approach is that of prevention and treating the acne as soon as possible, since it is probable that even mild acne causes scarring. Acnezine is the best acne scar treatment, and will aid in the prevention of acne leaving different types of acne scars.

There are two different types of tissue responses to the inflammation of acne that produces acne scars; these are increased tissue formation, and loss of tissue.

- Increased Tissue Formation Acne

Increased tissue formation scars are hypertrophy scars or keloids. Hypertrophy translates into overgrowth or enlargement. Excessive amounts of the cell substance collagen is associated with both keloid and hypertrophy scars. Skin cells response to injury is the overproduction of collagen. Excess collagen then begins piling up in fibrous masses. These results in the characteristic irregularly shaped scars that are smooth and firm. Keloids are generally a genetic form of keloids after tissue injury that tends to run in families. For instance, African Americans often have the predisposition for keloid formations of injured tissues scarring. While other family genetics may tend toward developing thick or hypertrophic acne scars.

Acnezine, is a natural acne treatment medication that offers great results in the reduction of this type of acne.

- Loss of Tissues Acne

Loss of tissues acne scars result from a loss of the surrounding tissue, this type of scarring is more common than that of increased tissue formation scarring.

There are several types of acne scars:

- Ice-Pick Acne Scars

Ice-pick acne scars are so named for appearing much like that of an ice pick wound. Most often, they are deep or superficial, although normally small in diameter with very steep sides. Some are soft, while others may be hard to the touch. Soft acne scars are on the surface while the hard acne scars are much deeper. Keep in mind that a hard acne scar normally has a wider base that what is viewable at the skins surface.

- Depressed Fibrotic Acne Scars

Depressed fibrotic acne scars normally display steep sides and sharp margins in generally large scars. This type of scarring is often reminiscent to the deep scars left by chicken pox, in appearance.

- Deep Soft and Superficial Acne Scars

Deep soft and superficial acne scars normally display sloping edges that merge into normal skin, while these types of scarring are variable in their size.

- Follicular Macular Atrophy

Follicular macular atrophy most often shows up on the back or chest of someone with acne. These often rise up slightly above the skins surface, while they appear as small soft white lesions. This is more often than not, diagnosed as perifollicular elastolysis. These lesions look a bit like undeveloped whiteheads and may stay for months and sometimes years.

Although there are many different types of acne treatments, Acnezine, is one of the most natural acne scar removal medications that features no nasty side effects for use when battling acne.

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