Friday, December 6, 2013

Learn About Your Options When it Comes to Acne Scar Resurfacing

In the past years, a technique known as skin resurfacing has become a popular way of treating the signs of aging, sun damage, and to even helping you rid acne scars. There are several different options you can choose from, but in order to make the right decision you'll need to know what they entail.

Laser therapy, chemical peels and microdermabrasion are some of the most common resurfacing techniques. Each one of these procedures has its own set of pros and cons. Here is a general overview of each of them.

Laser Therapy & Acne Scarring

Recently, acne scars have been treated using laser therapy. This procedure uses a carbon dioxide laser to "burn off" certain layers of the skin. There may be some visible damage, but that will depend on which type of therapy is used: ablative or non ablative.

Ablative laser therapy removes the epidermis. Therefore, it does leave visible signs of treatment and requires more down time. Non-ablative treatments deal with the underlying layers of skin. This makes the damage less visible and recovery time less necessary.

Chemical Peels for Acne Scarring

Chemicals peels has for ages been the most popular way of resurfacing acne scars. This procedure requires the use of different chemicals to help remove dead skin. This process helps promote the growth of new, healthier layers of skin.

Retinoic acid peels are the best type of treatment for treating acne scars. This type of peel not only helps with acne scars, but also helps improve the signs of aging such as wrinkles and age spots. If your acne scars are deep, then you will require the use of stronger acids.

Downtime will depend on the depth of the peel. Light peels usually do not require anesthesia or a recovery period. However, if you undergo medium and deep chemical peels you will require anesthesia, pain medication, and even a few weeks to recover.

Microdermabrasion for Acne Scars & Acne Scarring

Microdermabrasion is a good option if you want a gentler scar treatment option. This type of treatment is also recommended to treat minor scars. Keep in mind that it will also take more time to produce any noticeable effects.

This procedure does not require medical assistance, but it should be done in a sterile environment in order to minimize any risk of infection. In fact, you can undergo a microdermabrasion treatment in a doctor's office, salon, or even a spa.

Recently, microdermabrasion systems have become available for at home treatment. Most microdermabrasion treatments include a portable machine with sponge or brush attachment. These treatments usually include a microdermabrasion cream.

The convenience of at-home treatments is that they can be done more often than traditional microdermabrasion and can also be applied to your entire body.

BIOSKINEXFOL is a natural microdermabrasion cream that can be used to remove dark spots, wrinkles and acne scars. This natural cream can also gently help with acne scar removal. It contains a perfect mix of snail serum and abrading micro crystals that work together to help dissolve scar tissue and renew damaged skin cells.

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