If you are not suffering from some anomalous form of the inflammatory skin disorder, the syndrome will burn itself out with your drastic hormone activity and then you will heal, but it tends to leave behind these hideous scars that could make living outright dreadful for you. There are many treatments for the removal of acne scars, but the choice is up to you, based on recommendations by your physician.
Aside from scarring, the main effects of acne for most patients suffering from the inflammatory skin disease are psychological. Most acne patients suffer from reduced self-esteem, especially since the onset of the syndrome is at puberty, when boys and girls are at the height of social insecurity and self doubt.
There have in fact been experimental studies that reveal adolescents with acne to also suffer from severe depression as a result, and some even contemplating suicide. It may stem from the hyperactive hormones, but it is not something you can to be too casual about. This is a point you have to keep in mind.
It is critical that you address acne with aggressive treatment before the symptoms get too severe and the effects less manageable. One problem you should be aware of is that the scars are often worse and more depressing for an acne patient than the acne itself, so in your anxiousness to treat the acne, you may want to exercise sufficient caution to administer acne treatment that will leave the least scars so that you can lessen the overall impact to the patient.
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