Many people who suffer, or have suffered from acne are left with acne scars which can cause the skin to look pitted and unhealthy. With the development of medical technology there are now treatments for removing acne scars by subcision which have proved to be extremely successful.
How subcision acne scar removal treatment works
Subcision is used for deep seated scars and is a method whereby a tri-bevelled hypodermic needle is inserted through a puncture in the skin surface. The sharp edges of the needle are then moved backwards and forwards under the scar to break down the fibrous tissue that is holding the blemished skin to the underlying tissue.
This procedure ultimately frees up the underlying tissue and allows the skin to become smooth again as the healing process takes place.
Carried out under a local anaesthetic this treatment is usually performed by a dermatologist or cosmetic surgeon. After the procedure the skin will be slightly swollen and the healing process will take a few weeks before the skin returns to normal. This of course depends entirely upon the individual as some will heal faster than others. It should be borne in mind however, that it may be necessary to perform more than one treatment over a period of time in order to achieve the desired results.
It's essential to ensure the professional carrying out the procedure is an expert in the field, and for your own peace of mind you should ask questions about the procedure and what side effects, if any, you may experience before going ahead.
The cost of such procedure can range from $150 up to $400 per treatment depending upon the severity of your condition and the amount of treatments necessary. These costs do of course change over time and it's best to discuss these figures when seeking advice. Subcision for removing acne scars is a relatively pain free and successful method of treatment now available for sufferers of this stressful complaint.
Sick and tired of your acne scars? Want to get rid of them fast and naturally? Visit my site at and discover proven treatments for removing acne scars to put those scars behind you once and for all.
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