If you are serious about getting rid of acne scars, you need serious help. And that comes in the form of a dermatologist, who has several methods for getting rid of your unsightly scars.
Before you head for a dermatologist, however, make sure you are doing everything right on your end. Do you take good care of your skin? Do you drink plenty of water? Do you do everything you can to prevent the formation of new acne?
Once you know you're doing right on your end, you can seek professional help for getting rid of those scars.
Find a good dermatologist. You can ask your primary care doctor, or a friend for a good recommendation. The dermatologist will go over several options with you for acne scar removal, but the most common are the following:
A chemical peel - Basically, an acid mixture is applied to your skin, is left to sit, and then removed. It takes with it the top layer of your skin, which leaves a smooth texture beneath. This is best for acne scars that aren't too severe.
Laser resurfacing - Lasers are all the rage these days, as people discover their painless but effective abilities to remove scars, clear up skin and freshen everything up. In this method, acne scars are removed by laser. There can be a recovery period of up to a week and there's a risk that the scars will return over time, but this method does work for more serious acne scars.
Dermabrasion - In this method of scar removal, the scars are removed mechanically by a rotating disk that literally "sands" off the acne scars. This method has a few problems - it can be painful (the disk is highly abrasive) and requires anesthetic, and the scars can return over time. There's also some down time after having the procedure. The benefit, however, is that the skin that's revealed is often smooth and soft and fresh looking.
Creams - There are a multitude of "acne scar removal" creams on the market, but few actually work to remove scars. These creams can be handy, however, after you have one the above treatments. If you treat your skin well after you have a dermatological treatment, you might be able to prevent the return of the scars. If you no longer have serious acne (just the scars) but your skin is very oily, be careful with the creams as some might have more oil in them than you would like to put on your skin. Some people recommend applying straight olive oil to the skin and report excellent results with that, but if you have oily skin that could be a problem.
So in the end, you have to find the right treatment for you. Talk to a dermatologist and find out which treatment plan will work and which you can afford and have time for. Then be honest about your personal time commitment and your skin health right now. Then tackle those scars the best you can.
The best way to treat acne scars is to avoid them in the first place. There's a www.acneorpimples.com natural acne cure that works in as little as 72 hours! Discover now how you can conquer your acne -> www.acneorpimples.com www.acneorpimples.com
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