I'm an acne sufferer as well, there's just one difference between me and the average acne sufferer. I've discovered exactly how to get rid of old acne scars, permanently.
So let's find the solution. I think first you need to understand exactly what an acne scar is, so you can see exactly what's going on, and exactly what needs fixing. I think only then, can you truly find a real solution.
So - in short an acne scar is just damaged skin tissue. Medically it's obviously more complicated, but I think this article would get boring fast if I went into all the in's and outs of it. So you'll just have to trust that I know what I'm talking about.
Okay, so an acne scar is damaged skin tissue, what needs fixing? This very skin tissue obviously. Now we can either replace it with fresh new skin tissue, or fix the damaged tissue. Both approaches work, so either will do.
So what are the best solutions?
1. Laser Treatment - This is by far the best. It work's on the process of removing the top layer of skin to reveal clear new skin. It's quick, and painless. Definitely the easiest and most convenient option.
2. Dermabrasion - This works on the same process of removing the top layers of skin, and is probably the most popular method. However, this is mostly because it was the best treatment for a long time. Now with new laser technology, it's definitely moved down to second place. It is cheaper than the laser treatment though, so if price is an issue, then this is probably a good one to choose.
3. Now I don't have a number 3 to recommend to you, because if you're serious you'll want one of the above. If for completeness you would like to know about some others to check out, there's also, microdermabrasion, chemical peels and collagen injection. But they're not really as effective, and unless you've used the others unsuccessfully, I'd leave them be for now.
That's not even the real secret though. There's a much easier way solve the whole problem that doesn't involve any of the expensive procedures above. Check out my blog post acnereviews101.blogspot.com/2008/06/how-do-i-get-rid-of-old-acne-scars-woah.html to get rid of old acne scars if your curious - you should be.
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