Friday, October 11, 2013

Dermatology And Acne

Probably the single most reason that people seek out a dermatology office is in order to get treatment for either their acne or their acne scarring. Research has shown that 85% of all people have acne at some point of their lives. By the time children reach their mid teens 40% of adolescents have either had severe enough acne or acne scarring that it requires the treatment of a dermatologist. While some teens only need treatment for a few months for some people dermatology treatments can go on for years.

Dermatological Treatments For Acne

For those who are considering seeking a dermatologists assistance in treating your acne or treating the acne of someone you love and want to know what kind of treatments may be in store for you or your loved one here are a few treatment options that dermatologists use.

Education is one of the first treatment options that you can expect when having your acne treated. Your dermatologist will explain some of the causes of acne, how to properly care for your skin to reduce breakouts and scarring and perhaps even ask you to keep a record of when breakouts occur. He or she may also recommend changes in diet or lifestyle to help reduce the likelihood of future breakouts.
The Dermatologist may then recommend the use of specific over the counter medications to help reduce bacteria, help unplug pores and reduce inflammation and soreness. If it is determined that the acne is severe enough that over the counter medication are unlikely to be effective then the dermatologist may give you a prescription for a stronger medication.
In cases where acne cysts may be apparent and painful, the doctor may inject medication right into the cyst to aid in relieving the pain and helping the cyst to heal. In other cases the dermatologist may need to drain the cyst (this procedure is often called acne surgery) to help remove the cyst and prevent major scarring.
In cases where scarring is moderate to severe then the use of chemical peels, dermabrasion, and even surgery may be in order.

Keep in mind that since acne is caused by a variety of factors and no two people's acne is exactly the same, that individual acne treatments will be necessary to treat each individual person's acne problem. In some cases your dermatologist may have to try several treatment options before finding one that is effective for you. However, remember that in most cases acne treatments are effective in at least reducing the acne and helping to prevent scarring.

Dermatology treatments for acne scaring usually takes place once the acne breakouts are under control. Having your acne treated by a profession can not only prevent scarring but, can help to remove some of the scarring that may already be present.

Our top of the line Dermatologist Augusta center provides professional treatment for a variety of skin conditions. If you are looking for an Augusta Dermatologist you know you can trust, then look no further. We strive to give our clients the best of treatment avaliable. Please visit our website for more information on how we can help you.

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