Thursday, September 26, 2013

Herbs - Home Remedies For Acne Scars?

Why try home remedies for acne scars? A better question would be, "why not?"

People have used home remedies for acne scars long before they used topical creams and antibiotics. Before there were lotions and gels, there were herbs. And, before there were drugstores and pharmacies, there were woods to gather herbs from. That people actually use herbal remedies for their zits is no surprise. What's surprising is the fact that even with the glut of effective products sold commercially today, many continue to treat their zits via the herbal route.

There are two ways to make use of herbs. The first is by applying it directly to your skin. The second is by drinking a herbal mixture. The latter is said to work at faster speeds than the former, and yields more dramatic results.

One of the most popular mixtures right now is created by blending sarsaparilla, burdock herbs, yellow dock, and cleavers. All four are famous for their lymphatic cleansing abilities. What they do is cleanse the skin of buildup, thus helping the skin to heal. The mixture is meant to be taken three times a day, at one half of a teaspoon per intake.

In theory, I know that herbal medicine is not without merits. Still and all, I caution you to use herbal mixtures with caution.

If there is anything I learned from my Chemistry classes, it's that a little slip here and there can drastically change your mixture and the things it can do. Before taking home remedies for acne scars internally, talk to your doctor. Or, try topical applications instead. Shea butter has long been used for fading scars. Regular application lightens livid marks and the area around the marks. You can try aloe vera or cocoa butter, too. Both have been used to treat stretch marks, with positive effects.

About the Author: Joseph Ellis is an expert on adult acne treatments. He runs the popular website AcneSimpleTreatment.Com as an online resource for those who need more information on adult acne treatments and all things acne-related. Check out his website now!

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