There is nothing worse than a face full of acne, except maybe acne scars! There are ways to get rid of acne scars and I will highlight those in this article.
I will highlight some of the home remedies that you can try in order to get rid of acne scars that are proven effective for some people. I highly recommend these options first, because you can do them from the comfort of your own home, and they are cheap methods.
1. Vitamin E- Vitamin E is really good for your skin. If you go to your local store, you can find vitamin E oil, either in a pill form, or bottle. Personally I use the bottle, because it is easier to apply to your scars. I know this method works to get rid of acne scars, because I have done it myself. I've noticed a drastic decrease in the appearance of my acne scars just from using Vitamin E oil.
2. Olive oil- Yes, it may sound gross, but its effective. Just rub olive oil on your scars a few times every day. This will not work for deeper acne scars, but it is effective for mild acne scars, that just appear a little bit red.
3. Another method to get rid of acne scars is by applying lemon juice onto your scars. You may smell like lemon, but it does help mild acne scars!
I'm going to talk about one more method you can try that is not a home remedy, but one that you may find effective if you have deeper, more prominent acne scars.The method is called a chemical peel and is by no means a home remedy. How it works is acids are applied to the surface of your skin so that the top layer is removed and new skin will appear at the surface. However, chemical peels can be quite expensive.
For more information on how to get rid of acne scars, visit the website below.
Patricia Stewart has been successful clearing her acne scars from using home remedies. Check out her website at
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