Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Will Lemon Juice Get Rid of Acne Scars?

Got acne scarring? Then you'll likely have heard of lemon juice as an effective acne scar remover. The question in this case is not will it blend (sorry) but will lemon juice get rid of acne scars? Hmm. Tricky one. Shall we take a look?

It's not guaranteed, that's for certain. Well, not any more then laser treatment or any cosmetic procedures that will take all your money and then leave you with a red face (literally!). However, you cannot deny that lemons are dirt cheap (even free if you've got a lemon tree like myself) so that applying lemon to your acne scars cannot hurt at least financially.

Although it will hurt. Lot's and lot's of hurt. Lemons have a very low pH value making them very acidic. For comparison, human skin has a pH of about 4.5. Pure water is said to be neutral and is pH 7.0. Lemons on the other hand have a pH of just 2.0! This makes them excellent at kind of 'burning away' the dead and dying skin that is causing your face problems.

Yes, lemon juice hurts and stings like, well, lemon juice on a sensitive part of your body. You can dilute it ever so slightly with a drop of water to make it less painful however for most people asking the question will lemon juice get rid of acne scars maximum strength is recommended.

To apply: Squeeze the juice from a lemon into a small bowl and then use your finger tips to rub into the affected areas. You can use a cotton ball to dab it on if you don't want lemon running all over your face, however fingers will allow more to get on there. Resist the temptation to wash it off... the sensation goes after a while, allowing the juice to penetrate deep into the skin, removing all kinds of gunk that's in there. Try not to wash your face for at least an hour in order to get the full strength possible.

The important thing to remember with lemon juice for acne scarring is that it might cause you to get a little more sunburnt then usual. It's essential to remember to apply good quality sunscreen, and especially if you're going be out and about in the sun. The only 'harsh' thing that we want those scars exposed to is that lemon juice... otherwise treat it as you would a baby's.

Looking for sometime a little more... proven? Look at my scar solution review for guaranteed and proven ways to reduce and get rid of acne scarring. Seriously. Go look!

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