Acne can be devastating both physically and mentally. The physical aspect of acne can be pain and scarring. This in itself can be demoralizing. The mental aspect of acne can cause the person to become depressed and withdrawn.
Acne scars are formed when mild or severe cases of acne are not treated properly. Dermatologists have discovered that acne scars are categorized into two different types; pigmented scars and ice pick scars.
Pigmented scars are blemishes that are purple and brown and are quite noticeable no matter how much make up you wear, while ice pick scars are the indentations that are left in your skin once your acne has been treated and healed.
Medical research has shown that women are more likely to suffer from acne scaring then men because their complexion is much more fair than men. Heredity also play a big part in acne scarring. Research has also concluded that women with darker color skin display scarring more often because of their pigments skin cells.
Treating Acne:
There are many different treatments for acne, and after the treatments are given, the skin can heal itself to become smooth and clear. However there are times when acne is so stubborn that multiple treatments need to be given. This can cause acne scarring and pockmarks. Those in the medical community have compiled treatments and guidelines to treat persistent acne with minimal chance of scarring.
-Dermabrasion - this is one of the most chosen forms of acne scar treatments available today, especially if you have deep acne scars. It is done by removing the top layer of damaged skin. This procedure is done several times until fresh undamaged skin is found. There is a recovery period between procedures, so if you choose this methods, make sure that you can take the time off from work or school. Dermabrasion is one of the most effective ways to get rid of acne scars permanently.
-Micro-dermabrasion - this procedure is performed only if your scars are not severe and are a lighter color than severe acne. It is a less invasive procedure that also removes layers of skin until fresh skin is found. Micro-dermabrasion is also known as sandblasting. This procedure does not take long the recovery time is shorter.
-Laser resurfacing - this procedure uses highly concentrated light to burn off skin cells that could clog pores and cause bacteria to grow under the skin.
-Acid peels - this method of acne scar treatment involves applying acid to the skin and peeling off layers skins until fresh skin is found. This type of treatment can be painful and takes at least two weeks to heal.
-Collagen injections - this type of treatment is recommended by dermatologists and is an effective non-surgical way to eliminate acne scars. Collagen, which is a natural component of human tissue and is full of protein, is injected under the skin, causing it to plump out. This causes acne scars to stretch, leaving your skin with a smooth appearance. It is important to note that these injections will need to be repeated because collagen eventually breaks down.
-Chemical peels - this type of measure is pretty drastic. It involves applying a solution containing forty percent glycolic acid to your skin and then peeling off the top layer. This is repeated until fresh skin is reached. This treatment can also even out skin color.
-ClearLight - this treatment is the newest type to be developed for acne scar removal. This innovative technology uses laser light therapy to target and destroy acne-scarred skin. It is a wonderful treatment because the results are permanent and usually take about a month of healing.
There are many other treatments for acne scar removal. It is important that you discuss with your dermatologist what treatment is best for your skin type. You may have to wait for results, however you will be assured that the treatment recommended is the right one for you.
Ken Black is the owner of Skin Care Reviews, a site all about skin care. Visit us today to learn much more about how to beat the acne scar problem.
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