Tuesday, June 4, 2013

How to Get Rid of Acne Scarring

Did you know, that just in America alone, over 15 million people have some form of acne scars.  That count is staggering, but not unbelievable.  Acne scars happen easily, even in cases of mild acne.  Usually acne scars occur when cystic acne forms, and some people are more prone to scarring than others.

Why scars form from acne is not hard to  to understand.  think of it this way.  Acne how ever you look at it, is both and infection and inflammation.  The body deals with it in the best way it can, by fighting the infection, however, in the process of healing scar tissue is formed instead of healthy tissue.

So, not only do we have to content with acne, we are also left with the scarring.  It is not a pleasant outlook. Especially when it is on the face. It is a source of embarrassment, ridicule and can be psychologically damaging.

Happily how to get rid of acne scarring can be easily dealt with medical intervention.  There are many types of treatments from dermabrasion, chemical peels, derma fillers, surgery, and the most effective, laser therapy.

That leads us to look at how to get rid of acne scarring with laser therapy.

Acne scar therapy has come leaps and bounds in the last years.  Modern medical advancements have now made laser therapy the number one choice for those seeking acne scar treatment. Unlike 1st generation laser therapy, lasers now do not remove the top layers of skin. There is a lot less risk and  they are far more effective.

There are more that a few types of lasers available for acne scars. The most popular are pulsed-dye laser and fractionated laser. 

One of the benefits of the pulsed-dye laser is takes  the redness out of the acne scars. Since often acne scars often take the form of discoloration,  pulse-dye laser  can very quickly  improve the appearance of acne scar redness tremendously.

The other type of popular laser acne treatment is fractionated laser. It is called such because it only does a fraction of the skin at a time.  The best way to understand how fractional resurfacing works is to think of a lawn being aerated, except with skin it is on a  microscopic scale. The fractional laser creates tiny "microthermal" zones  deep into the skin which the skin repairs by pushing out the scar tissue replacing it with new skin. For each square centimeter, about 1000-2000 holes are created.  This prompts the body's healing mechanism to produce collagen and new skin cells.

Of course as mentioned above there are other methods to treat acne scarring.  Dermabrasion, chemical peels, surgery are still available for use.  Which method is used is decided by jointly by you and your doctor.  In some instances your doctor may recommend a combination of laser and another method.  What ever the method, laser therapy is still the method for acne scar removal that is the most popular. There is less down time, less chance of side effects  and less chance for infections. All in all, laser therapy is the best choice for acne scar treatment.

Find out how you can get rid of your acne through my easy to follow course. Find out more on how to getridofacneformula.com get rid of acne. Mary-Ann Eastman runs a site on getridofacneformula.com/how-to-get-rid-of-acne-scars rid acne scarring.

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