Natural Versus Traditional medical methods of healing acne and acne side affect: Scarring!
Not only is the presence of acne uncomfortable but also its side affect scarring can be emotionally despairing. Just as you have regained renewed hope with your acne gone, now it is time to heal the scarring for severe sufferers. Scarring Free naturally is not a fantasy; today it is a reality.
Traditional medicine has developed an array of invasive procedures for the removal of scars. There is scraping the skin layers with a machine, use of aluminum, salt, or diamond micro-particles to remove layers of the scar. Saline is also used to inject into the scar tissue for new collagen to form. Chemical peel uses different types of acid to peel off scar tissue and allow for new growth. Several punch methods removing the scar and replacing the area with skin grafts instead of sutures and the abstraction of the scar with a biopsy tool and then removed tissues are elevated and reattached. Laser resurfacing is an option. These processes come with risks and the possibility they may not be successful or last only for a period of time. Think about what you have already been through with the devastating affects of your acne only to face the harsh removal of scars. By far Natural options are the superior way to tackle scarring. They are holistic not harsh and invasive. A fact: Scarring is a side affect of acne. A fact: The only way to stop this intrusion is before it erupts. A fact: To eliminate the growth of the zit, the blemish, the pimple; healing from the inside is the #1 priority.
There are many herbal, organic home remedies for acne scars such as:
1. Sandalwood paste mixture with rosewater and apply to scarring leave overnight, wash off and repeat each day until the disappearance of scars subside.
2. Icing facial scars will tighten the pores and reduce secretion of acne sebum.
3. Rub tomato slices on the scars to lightening the marks.
4. Cumber juice is reduces inflammation as it tones, soothes and heals acne scars.
5. Aloe Vera and Sage are known healing agents. Soak sage in hot water, cool it and apply on scars. The Aloe Vera can be applied directly.
6. Olive Oil massaged on skin will lighten scarring.
7. Lavender oil has regenerative properties and applied to skin revitalizes and lessens scarring.
8. Honey is a natural moisturizer and proven to heal scarring.
9. Certain foods have also been used to stop acne thus stop scarring from the inside out. (A) Apples attach toxins in the intestines. (B) Fish oil is an important ingredient to add to your diet. Fish oil tablets are good to take as a daily preventative to heal the skin from the inside out as well as the consumption of fish that contains omega 3 fatty acids. (c) Fiber is effective at healing. Found in nuts, grains, fruits and vegetables. Fiber gets rid of toxins in the bowels that cause acne. Sources of fiber include, oat and wheat bran, navy and kidney beans. The consumption of the skins of fruit and vegetables where the major healing properties are found; strawberries, raspberries, and sesame and poppy seeds. (D) Do you like Yogurt? Yogurt has been around for how long? Ages! It contains healthy bacteria that lives in your intestines to aid in digestion and thus an amazing way to kill those bad toxins/bacteria in your intestinal tract.
As you can understand there are many natural health alternatives to aid of healing acne and acne scarring. Home remedies are by far a superior method to achieve a natural process to healing versus some traditional applications that have synthetic properties that could cause severe skin reactions.
To your health, Acne/Scarring Free!
Natural Acne Relief! []
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