What Causes Blackheads? Blackheads, which are also known as open comedones, are tiny, dark pigmented plugs in the skin. They are caused by pores which have been clogged by excess oil and dead skin cells. They turn black because the open pores cause the excess oil to be exposed to oxygen, which causes a chemical reaction that turns the plug dark when it comes to a head at the surface of the skin - thus the term "blackhead".
Tips to Keep New Blackheads from Forming
Since blackheads are caused by excess oil, it is important to note that if you have oily skin, you need to use a water-soluble acne cleanser. Never ever use any type of bar soap because the ingredients that are keeping a bar of soap together can also clog up your pores. This will make it more difficult to remove blackheads from the skin.
If your skin is oily, it would be helpful for you to absorb excess oil as much as possible. A clay mask which does not contain any irritating ingredients, like peppermint, would be helpful.
Also, although excess oil is the main culprit in the formation of blackheads, this does not mean that people with normal or dry skin cannot get blackheads. Blackheads can form on all skin types.
Remedies to Remove Blackheads
A common remedy to remove blackheads is to simply pop them out from the skin. However, this can often cause more irritation, infection, bruising and scarring.
Another remedy people have used to remove blackheads is attempting to pull them from the skin with pore strips. This can remove the superficial blackheads but it will also remove some healthy skin by tearing it. So be very careful with this and be sure to read the warnings on the labels for pore strips.
A good thing to do for blackheads, however, is to exfoliate or slough the skin. This helps open up clogged pores and eliminate dead skin cells.
It is important to note all of these, but the main key to success for removing blackheads is following an effective facial regimen system that works.
I'm Audrey and I had a problem with blackheads and after trying a number of things to get rid of them that did not work, I found a way to remove blackheads myself and now my face has been clear for over 5 years. Your face can finally be clear too with the treatment regimen I used. Get it right now by visiting: [acnecontroltreatment.com/site] - you don't have to suffer anymore.
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