Acne has long-term physical effects. They persist indefinitely, and remain after the initial acne symptoms have disappeared. Without doubt, the most important long-term legacy from acne is its scarring. Acne scarring has a characteristic appearance and affects the same skin areas as the acne outbreak did. This means that the patient's face and upper torso are usually most affected. Significant scarring on the face can be very distressing to the patient. Acne scar solutions may go some way to improving the appearance of scarred skin and help alleviate the self-consciousness that so often accompanies a severely scarred person for life.
As a result of extensive scientific investigation, the biological mechanism which results in acne scarring is now well established. In the skin, inflammation causes collagen over-production during the process of healing. Skin thickening and localised permanent skin deformation results. Acne leaves characteristic depressed areas which are indented acne scars. These are sometimes described as ice-pick scars due to their shape and appearance.
Surgical Therapies
Anyone who has been left badly scarred by acne is well advised to seek expert guidance from a dermatologist regarding acne scar solutions. Techniques such as micro-dermabrasion or laser therapy may be suggested by the medical practitioner. These are ways to remove the outermost layer of skin in controlled conditions. They can eventually improve the skin's appearance. The sunken characteristics of deep acne scar tissue can be challenging, however.
The dermabrasion technique is implemented using high-velocity air to drive fine abrasive powder over the skin's surface. Alternatively a very fine vibrating abrasive surface such as a disk is carefully applied to the skin by the therapist. Dermabrasion can be an unpleasant experience. Local anaesthetics are usually offered to help minimize the patient's discomfort. Be aware that surface bleeding is normal during the procedure. The abraded skin may take many months to heal completely. After healing, the skin's appearance is more uniform and natural.
Unlike micro-dermabraion, laser therapy is one of the acne scar solutions which does not involve direct skin contact. Instead, a beam of intense laser light is shone onto the surface of the skin. This is intended to attack the skin cells so that re-healing occurs and produces fresh, smooth skin. It is generally necessary to undergo several rounds of laser treatment in order to obtain satisfactory results. Laser therapy is a good way to deal with small, localized regions of severe scarring.
For individual scars which feature roll-tissue, thickened skin or keloid inclusion, the best acne scar solution may be individual excision. In this procedure, a surgeon cuts out the scar tissue and closes the skin. In recent years, the use of collagen injections has been employed to improve the appearance of depressed scars by filling the tissue behind them.
Lotions And Potions
An incredible number of home-remedy acne scar solutions are documented. There is no clinical evidence to support their efficacy, but anecdotal evidence does suggest that some may have benefits in improving the skin's condition and appearance. The up-side is that most home remedies are cheap to prepare and safe to use, with few if any side-effects.
One of the popular home acne scar solutions makes use of lemon juice. This is claimed to lighten the skin colour changes that sometimes accompany acne scars. For exfoliating the skin surface, baking soda and similar fine abrasives may be useful. This is in effect a milder and shallower alternative to the conventional micro-dermabrasion described above.
Skin condition is worth some attention, as the skin's elasticity can be harmed by acne scars. Consider using a good-quality moisturising product to help counteract this effect.
Don McRandall provides expert tips on proven ways to clear acne. For more great information on acne scar solutions, and access to a free step-by-step mini-course that will teach you what you need to know today about acne and its treatment, visit
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