Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Removal of Acne Scars

Acne has become a pretty common disease nowadays, and a large number of teenagers suffer from this problem to some extent at least. When acne leaves scars on your face, they can do a lot of damage to your mental health. While the best advice would be to take steps that can prevent scarring in the first place, it's never too late even if you've got scars already; dermatologists have discovered several successful ways to treat them. Let's have a brief discussion on what treatment options you have available to remove acne scars.

One of the most effective treatments is dermabrasion, where the skin surface around the scars is removed using a rotating wire brush. Mild scars that just lie on the skin surface can almost vanish altogether with this treatment, whereas deeper ones become less noticeable. But dermabrasion cannot be applied to all patients. Scars that cover a wider area deep under the skin can get worse with this treatment, so you need to consult a dermatologist about this.

A slight variation of this technique is known as micro-dermabrasion, where scars are removed using aluminum oxide crystals. As the term micro implies, this sophisticated treatment has the potential to remove only those cells of your skin which are forming the scar, so the rest of your skin remains perfect without any wound. However, this specific method is often inadequate to completely remove the scars.

Another very common treatment is the use of lasers to reshape skin tissues forming the scar. Several types of laser beams can be used for this purpose, and their selection depends on what results you wish to achieve. However, the treated skin area usually remains reddish for a few months after laser treatment. Some laser treatments, like the fractional laser therapy, are pretty expensive and not included in insurance policies.

Some mild scars can also be cured temporarily by injected dermal fillers into the skin area carrying scars; this method fills and raises the skin surface that eventually results in a smoother appearance. Collagen, a protein used in cosmetic surgery, is an effective dermal filler that can temporarily correct scars for at least 3 months. You can also use other fillers like hyaluronic acid derivatives and fats. Injection of fats is highly effective and preferred when scars are caused by nodulocystic acne.

These are some common contemporary treatments that can remove acne scars to a large extent if not completely. However, prevent scarring by treating acne at earlier stages if you want to be on the safe side.

You can use vitamin B5 for acne treatment at an earlier stage. Also read our Acne Guide for more information on the various treatments available.

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